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  Benefits and Veterinary Use of Transfer Factor on Small Animals – Conclusions after Eight Years of Use by Dr. Nicolas Baudin-J, France
 Transfer factors are a group of around 10 pro- teins, all of similar and relatively low molecular weight, found in large quantity alongside immune-globulins in the colostrum of certain mammals, such as cows. They do not recog- nise specific antigens but when the body encounters an antigen and the humeral immune system is activated, they boost the immune system by stimulating mainly macrophage cells. Their action is an integral part of the innate immune system underlying any acquired immunity.
This is what I have understood from the limited amount of literature available on transfer fac- tors as well as the work of 4Life Research who distribute the Transfer Factor range of products. It is important not to confuse these products with the targeted transfer factors on which con- siderable research has been done. In my expe- rience, it is clear that the products stimulate cellular immunity in an effective and organ- ised way. As such, after using the Transfer
eliminate the need for long-term antibiotic treatment and it does not exhaust the mito- chondria as do so many pharmaceutical drugs especially those, which inhibit folic acid. Lastly, it can easily be combined with broad-spectrum food supplements, such as amino acids, vita- mins, minerals and antioxidants, which are highly effective and inexpensive. The 4Life capsules are easy to open and the powder inside can be mixed with an aqueous solu- tion. Its taste resembles that of whey, which animals do not dislike.
TF+ can also be used to support the antibacter- ial action of the immune system in cats with coryza in its viral phase. This can of course be treated homeopathically but the use of TF+ can help to control any secondary infections. In France, it might be combined with a colloidal solution of copper, gold and silver.
Similarly, and even more useful when given in continuous and long-term doses for at least two weeks at a time, TF+ is a valuable supple-
other supplements but the TF is undoubtedly essential. The advantage is that it provides gentle modulation of the immune system and can be taken long-term, for weeks, months, even years at a time.
In cases of FIP, Feline herpes or other specifi- cally viral diseases, I have found that TF+ on its own is unsatisfactory but it can still be useful because it enables a reduction in the amount of interferon used to help cats cope with these viruses. I combine TF+ with interferon but only using one-tenth the recommended dose, which makes it more economical. For feline herpes, I combine TF+ and L-Lysine, which can help to reduce the dose of L-Lysine. The cost of L-Lysine is of course not an issue as it is for interferon.
Another use is in catteries, boarding kennels or for breeders where a large number of health problems can be managed by giving the cats or dogs a regular dose of TF+. After several trials,
Factor products for a number of years, I have observed two main effects: non-specific immune support and immune modulation.
The fact that these molecules are non-species specific is very important because they are extracted from bovine colostrum and chicken egg yolk but there is absolutely no contraindi- cation to their use on humans or on dogs, cats or even other animals (birds?). The second advantage of this non-specificity is that these products may be used in all cases of infection or immunodeficiency. Do not however expect them to be of use in cases of viral infection as here, they cannot compare with interferon.
4Life offers three main products: Transfer Factor Classic (TFC), containing transfer fac- tors from bovine colostrum alone and which is often used to modulate the immune system, Transfer Factor Tri-Factor (TF), extracted from both colostrum and egg yolk, also used for immune modulation, and lastly, the strongest of the trio: Transfer Factor Plus Tri-Factor (TF+), which contains, in addition to transfer factor molecules from this dual source, a cocktail of immune-boosting substances such as extracts of Maitake and Shiitake mushrooms. This product is used for immune support but not allergic or autoimmune conditions.
TF+ has shown itself to be valuable in cases of feline immunodeficiency syndrome caused by the well-known FIV retrovirus. It may not reduce the viral load but it can help the animal to battle intercurrent infections. One major advantage is that TF+ can decrease or even
ment in cases of feline calicivirus, a serious and increasingly common disease which mani- fests as sometimes necrotising ulceration of the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx. This can be lethal in cases where the cat is unable to eat and becomes exhausted from the inflammation. It is important to note that there is virtually no conventional treatment for this potentially lethal condition but that the small French veterinary laboratory Aqua Bio Vet, markets a naturopathic solution, which has proven to be highly effective in such cases.
Lastly, TF Tri-Factor has proven to be extremely valuable as a long-term treatment in cases of feline eosinophilic granuloma complex, a devastating autoimmune disease affecting the mucous membranes of the mouth or muco- cutaneous zones such as the lips. This is pri- marily an allergic condition whose chronic nature and the mediocre response of cats to steroids, along with their well-known side effects, make traditional treatments less effec- tive. The approach I use is to combine TF with
I have found that diluting TF+ in a top quality siliceous water, taking it up to a low potency, can potentiate its effects. I do not yet have a significant number of cases, only four so far which is really nothing, but a combination of TF+ in material dose with TF+ in low potency, such as a 5c for example, has given good results. Watch this space...
For dogs, the approach is similar even if infec- tions are not as large a problem as they are in cats. I have used TF on dogs with chronic eczema, recurrent otitis with secondary infections or pyoderma. In these cases, I com- bine TF+ with a product from my own lab, Aqua Bio Vet. Giving TF+ before, during and after the antibiotic with heavy homeopathic drainage remedies alongside can thus curb the use of antibiotics.
Another very obvious use of TF is in young ani- mals weaned too early. The overall immunity of such animals will be weak and one finds that they often end up at the vet’s for minor skin or respiratory infections. Vaccination is of course a problem for these animals: the quality of
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