Page 12 - Autumn 12
P. 12
Continued from page 9
I gave Anne another dose of Aconite 30 C to give that evening. As Carla had just finished a course of metronidazole, I decided to start treat- ment with a bowel nosode first; I dispensed Sycotic Co. 30 C, 1 dose every 12 hours for 3 treatments beginning the next evening. Anne reported that the stools were improved for a few days (semi-formed with less mucus) but then resumed their cow pie character.
In the meantime, I chose rubrics for Carla’s case analysis. I originally did this analysis with Cara, but as I no longer use that program, I did a similar analysis with Radar Opus:
The top twelve remedies in the Radar Opus analysis using Synthesis repertory were: Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Argentum nit, Lycopodium, Calcarea carb, Silicea, Gelsemium. Ignatia, Rhus tox, Phos ac, Natrum mur, Belladonna.
I chose Argentum nit as the most appropri- ate remedy to continue Carla’s treatment. During the first month of treatment with Arg nit LM 1, one drop daily, there was a marked improvement in Carla’s level of anxiety. Carla was able to enjoy her walks, she stopped hid- ing, when she saw strangers and she was less fearful, when Tom spoke loudly to her. Anne did not decrease the frequency as requested, and Carla started acting, like she was seeing things in the bedroom at night, staring and biting at the air. This resolved, when the dose was decreased to every other day, with instructions to stop, if any unusual behaviour was noted.
Carla’s loose stools slowly improved; by Jan ’04 (3 months later) Carla was having mostly soft but formed stools. At this time we decreased the Arg nit to an as-needed dose. I have seen Carla at least yearly since then. Her stools are soft but formed, except when she is very stressed, such as can happen with holiday visitors. A dose of Arg nit sets her right; she might require a few doses a few times a year. Carla walks instead of slinks into the hospital, is cooperative in the consulting room, and no longer cringes away. She’ll never be a candi- date for Schutzhund work, but she is reasonably confident!
I haven’t had a lot of patients with this dra- matic combination of extreme anxiety and remarkable mildness. These three are the most marked examples in my practice. I am so pleased to have been able to help them with homeopa- thy. It is such a good feeling to have a previously fearful animal actually act glad to see you! I
• Mind,Ailmentsfrom–fright
• Mind,Confidence–wantofself-confidence • Mind,Consolation–amel
• Mind,Company–desirefor
• Mind,Fear–newsituations
• Eye,Inflammation–Conjunctiva–purulent • Rectum,Diarrhea–frightafter
• Generals–Sensitiveness–Externally
Murex Purpurea – Tyrian purple dye By Nazrene Moosa
The source of the remedy is the hypo- branchial gland of Murex brandaris and Murex trunculus. No proving exists.
In 1814 Dr Petroz conducted clinical experi- ments on 4 patients with leucorrhoea. A case by Rushmore also provides some of the symp- toms. Other information comes from a case cured by Kent of a midwife with a possible tumour in the abdomen and greenish/yellow leucorrhoea cured with Murex 200 and an extract from Dunham's Materia Medica of a case of a large cyst attached to the left ovary cured with Murex.
• Musculoskeletal
• Reproductive/hormonal ->uterine, ovari- an, breast pathology (tumours/cysts)
• Pancreas – Diabetes
• Urogenital - cystitis, nymphomania, mis- carriage
• Sexual thoughts and desires. Materia Medica calls it the 'highly sexed sepia'
• Hypochondria
• Yielding - can't say NO
• Aversion to company
• Nervous exhaustion or mania for work and intellectual stimulation
• Impatient, restless, confused, tearful
The purple dye from Murex has been used since ancient times to clothe emperors, cardi- nals and nobility and signifies high rank. First recorded use stated as 1600 BC but archaeo- logical evidence exists of its use in the Persian gulf in 18th century BC. Cleopatra (69-30 BC) is said to have arrived to seduce Anthony in a purple sailed ship. Tyrian dye, named for its major source of production, was both highly prized and priced.
The symbolism comes primarily from the use of the dye for political and religious purposes. Most commonly used to signify status and wealth yet its meanings also encompass patience and spirituality. In colour therapy pur- ple is the colour of the crown chakra and the pineal gland and is associated with spiritual
awareness. Goethe considered purple the 'UNQUIET' colour, perhaps due to the percep- tion of the polarities contained within it. We see an awareness of this within the homeo- pathic remedy with the excess of uncontrol- lable desire together with a sense of disgust towards it. This is followed by emotionally cut- ting off and attempted coldness in compensa- tion for excess of feeling. The other interesting aspect of Murex is the high concentration of BROMINE in the remedy. We know Bromine is used as an anti-epileptic and in humans it has come to have a reputation for lowering sex drive, perhaps as a side effect of the sedation. There are stories of bromine-laced tea being served to soldiers in WW2, and later to psychi- atric patients to subdue them. It appears that Bromine encourages passivity through tran- quillisation and this is part the 'can't say no' yielding nature of the homeopathic remedy. Interestingly, it is listed in the rubric 'coma'.
• Nymphomania – inappropriate sexual activity in females by definition but has been used in males too
• Cystic ovaries e.g. in guinea pigs
• Epilepsy – linked to excess sexuality or fol- lowing neutering
• Diabetes in bitches – related to high oestrogen levels
Isis is a 2 year old female neutered collie crossbreed. She is a lively dog with a tendency to be domineering and to sometimes nip, especially when you have your back turned to her. She has had a rectal polyp surgically removed in the past month. Recently she has started 'humping' Merlin, the cat. She is cur- rently behaving in a sexual way towards Merlin at least once every night. She was prescribed Murex 30 C once daily for 5 days.
Her owner reported that her inappropriate behaviour reduced to once every 3-4 days.
A second course of Murex 30 C once daily for 5 days has resolved the behaviour completely.