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A case of immune mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) by Henry Stephenson, Australia
 This dog was a 5-year-old mastiff cross male, who presented to us with the diagnosis of IMHA in April 2019. His initial case was taken via the phone as he was apparently too ill to be moved. His previous history included a seroma on the elbow in October 2013 then it swelled up after a scratch and he got an abscess in November 2013. He also had a large swelling under his neck in December 2016 then another on top of his neck 4 weeks later. At each of these episodes he was treated with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medicines.
Now he is being treated with Macrolone and antibiotics again and an iron supplement, however the owners were considering euthanasia after being given a poor prognosis. He can stand up but is very weak and panting. He is drinking more than he normally would (about 10 cups in a 64kg dog). He has also been vomiting and is pale.
Gum colour 2 days after treatment began
Constitutionally he is a gentle sweet giant and the female dog at home bosses him about a bit. He is good with children and obedient. Noise and thunder do not bother him. He can be quite sexual when well and may jump the fence.
Gum colour 3 days after initial treatment.
He was treated with 3 medicines over a period of 8 weeks. Initially with Ferrum met 6c and Crotalus horridus also in a 6c. Later he was given Phosphorus 30c and that improved things the most. His owners later commented that he was healthier than he had been for a long time. I suspect that this problem had its beginning with the seroma in 2013.
That’s better!

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