Page 6 - Autumn 13
P. 6

Chronic Case Remedy Reactions by Henry Stevenson, Australia
When animals come back for a follow up visit I am after a big reaction or huge changes to have occurred since the remedy was administered 3 or 4 weeks previously.
I have found that animals show the effects of a remedy very quickly, if it has been well chosen. What I am aiming for is the ultimate simillimum in each animal and so what I want the owners to say is: “This is like a new animal! Everything is changed!”. I heard a human homeopath saying, he would expect his clients to come back with at least a new haircut, if the remedy was a good match.
In the same way, the first area that I feel and run my eye over is the coat. I have learned to see the remedy reaction in the hair and coat. If you are anywhere even close to correct, you will notice the shine and gleam of the coat. This is because the vital force has been able to move outwards and be seen there. Often people will say, they saw the coat gloss change after only an hour or two. After this sheen, comes the decrease in smell in general, as the oil glands change and the animals begin to lick less. Eruptions may move from the body to the feet or ears.
Most important is a change in general body energy. If the disease process is backed off well, then the body has some energy left for extra activity and extra interaction with the world. This is when the client will say: “He is acting like he is young again! Or: he hasn’t done this thing for years!”.
I also like to see a change in nature. This will be that a clinging anxious dog will be able to be its own being and will relax more. Mean full on ani- mals will come in here with less aggressive intent, or if there is fighting amongst animals at home or on walks, this will settle down. Distant reserved Nat murs will come out of the cupboard and being to interact again.
Then the parasites being to leave, as they don’t like a healthy being. This includes fleas and bacteria and viruses.
Perhaps last on my list is the presenting symptom. This will then begin to improve perhaps after some initial aggravation. It actually WILL improve, if it is possible, if the remedy has done all the other things above, espe- cially the energy improvement. Now this may mean amazing things! I now am AFTER amazing things and am not happy really with backing off this or that with a drainage remedy or an anti-hormone remedy. I want tumors falling off and new legs growing!
An example of this is in my treatment of an incontinent bitch. I may start the case with some broad remedy like Thuja and then add in some blad- der type thing like Conjugated Oestrogen in a 6x or Oophorhinum in a 6c but when I finally give some Sepia as the dog is showing sag, bag and drag, suddenly ALL the above things occur AND the urine stops leaking after many years and they can stop the urine drug, she has been on.
I have had a 12-year-old Standard Poodle that I have been treating for years for a mixture of things and it has taken me 6 years to work out the real simillimum! At 6 year old he came here first with the diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis. Over the last 6 years this has increased but only very slightly and has been helped by Thuja and Syphilinum and Sulphur and Psorinum. Then he presented with split nails which I helped with Aurum mur, then he became itchy on the skin and he had experienced this before and been treated with cortisone injections. This time he settled after some Staphsagria and some Silica later. A couple of years later he had some Glandular Thyroid for a low T4 level and some Kali phos and some Tuberculinum for various conditions. Then some more Thuja and
then some Calc-c for nail and skin issues as they arose. Then he started getting some joint problems mainly in the hips caused by hip dysplasia and was treated with some Medorrhinum and Calc silicata and when the skin flared with some Morgan pure. Then coughs where he had Aconite then Phosphorus. An aural haematoma treated with Arnica and more Phosphorus. Anal gland abscess treated with Hepar-s. Bleeding from rec- tum with Carcinosin and Peony. Eyes getting varicose corneal ulcers alternating sides acute and severe then chronic- managed with Thuja and THEN MERCURY!!!!!
Owner rings:
“Hey what did you give him this time? The arthritis is all gone and he is playing with the ball outside and the eyes both healed up really quickly. He had been down and sad but now is full of energy and life!”
2 months later eye problem returns with energy down and hips sore and unhappy. Merc sol 200c in 1 dose. Owner rings again the next day – eyes better and ulcer heals almost immediately and running about again.
See I should have known it was a Mercury case as his name was Zeus.
You can see the ulcer in this case on left cornea
Zeus a week later. Ulcer healed well with no pain.

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