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CPD EVENTS – 2013/14
Gradually Evolving and Mastering Sensation
Interactive study days with Dr Julie Geraghty,
Dr Liz Thompson and Mr Geoff Johnson
11 October 2013, 06 December 2013, 24 January 2014, 28 March 2014, 23 May 2014.
GEMS participants will share and discuss their difficult and cured human and veterinary cases
at five Friday study days (9.15am - 4.30pm) run from Penny Brohn Centre in Bristol.
Join one study day or come to all.
Study day investment: £75 (excellent healthy style lunch and refreshments included).
These CPD study days are open to fully qualified practi- tioners holding current registration with The Society of Homeopaths or Faculty of Homeopathy in Luton.
06 December 2013 – “Organic and Hydrocarbon Remedies “
Bristol Homeopathic Hospital Masterclasses
Masterclasses will be held on Saturdays or Fridays from 10am until 4.30pm.
Seminar investment: £65.
Sat. 07 December 2013 (Cut off date: 26 November 2013) Dr Jonathan Hardy “Homeopathy for Mania and Psychosis – Treating the Dark Side”
In this Masterclass we will see how effectively Homeopathy can treat states of madness.
We will study a number of cases of patients demonstrating how miasmatic theory and knowledge of remedy families helps in remedy selection. The cases will show how often patients in states of psychosis are suffering with a preoc- cupation with the "dark side" and how Homeopathic treatment can free them from this experience of the shadow. We will make close study of Materia Medica and the Repertory, particularly focussing on finding the most characteristic symptoms and rubrics in a case.
The cases will mostly be on video, edited for brevity and clarity.
GEMS day with Dr Julie Geraghty and Dr Liz Thompson
The October GEMS day studying Acid Remedies was very well attended and productive, and the group decided to continue to explore the Organic and Hydrocarbon remedies in December.
We will study the main clinical indications for these remedies, and continue to try to understand the chemistry of these complex molecules, and the homeopathic significance of the various moieties like benzene ring, carboxylics, alcohols etc.
Please select one of the remedies (full list available on request, to receive it please e-mail administrator at the address below) on which to prepare a 5-10 minute presentation either presenting a case and / or covering keynotes and main clinical picture. Also, where possible, include a diagram of the chemical structure of the molecule so we can identify the dif- ferent chemical moieties. Please when presenting your own case make sure there is at least 3 months of followup to maximise the learning value from the case. The main reference book is Roger Morrison's 'Carbon'.
Sat.25January2014 DrsHelenBeaumontand Willa Muir – “Women’s Health – Gynaecological and Sexual Health in Homeopathy ”
Sat.08March2014 MrGeoffJohnson– “Connection and Disconnection – Exploring the dif- ferent families and remedies from all kingdoms whose central state may be disconnected. “
Fri.25April2014 DrLizThompson–“Cancerand Palliative Care.” Please note this seminar will be linked up with the Integrative Medicine day on Sat. 26 April 2014
Sat.14June2014 DrJulieGeraghty–“Chronic Fatigue Syndrome” linked up with the Integrative Medicine Day on Fri. 13 June 2014
All 2013/14 study days and seminars will be held at the beautiful and uplifting Penny Brohn Cancer Centre.
Please book your place at least 10 days prior to the event date by e-mailing academic administrator at: All bookings are taken on a first come first served basis. For more information and/or to receive our newsletter please e-mail administrator or call 0117 3429830.