Page 5 - Spring 16
P. 5

 suspicious nor vindictive, not jealous, sometimes quarrelsome (only with his cat friend), cunning, confident (with myself or Mr, but with nobody else), fearful (sometimes), self- assured, with a good memory (I think so but cannot give an example).
He is especially sweet when he decides to have a cuddle. Madame has often thought that in the Middle Ages, priests would have condemned him to be burnt at the stake or to be drowned or even worse because he shows an exaggerated sensuality. When the owner drives home after work, if the dog isn’t outside, Ernesto comes meowing up to her to be petted. He can meow continuously for two hours (really) till somebody gives him something to eat. His voice is sharp and loud and one must admit that it really gets on one’s nerves, when he decides that it is dinnertime. Nevertheless he gets his dry cat food at regular time.
“We don’t know his past history. We know that he has known difficult times before being adopted. He is a cat and has always made cat tricks, even forbidden ones (like jumping on the table). He always ignores any rules when nobody of the family is present: really a cat”.
Towards strangers, he stays very reserved. It seems that he likes company, but only that of people he knows well. He sees few children and seems to be even more careful than with adults (maybe because children look for contact in a more obvious way). Even when his family is absent and if some friends he had already seen sometimes) come to feed him, he doesn’t let them approach him, and not at all, if they don’t give him some food.
He likes the fire in the chimney (behind the glass of the stove) and lies down in front to look at the flames, even if the temperature is very, very high. He can stay there for 20 minutes before going outside. He goes out in all weather. A cat flap allows him to enter or go out, just as he pleases, but he stays longer outside, when the weather is fine. He does not spend the night outside.
Normally he is rather quiet, but it is important to say that his marks are stable. When the family is eating, he stays near the table, waiting for anything that could fall down onto the floor.
Rain doesn’t bother him, he even has a bath sometimes (he did allow it but without pleasure).
He doesn’t like to be put in his cat carrier (normally it is to go to the vet), but when he travelled between town and country (twice a
week for six months) he took it easy at both places. He has a fear of some unknown noises. But known noises, even loud ones (like the drill, the grinder or the vacuum cleaner) don’t bother him, because he has understood that they won’t hurt him. Speaking to him reassures him.
  21/07/2011 Repertorisation
(MacRepertory Universal V)
Generalities; P; WEAKNESS; Anemia, in (9) Mind; P; RESERVED (120)
Bladder; P; CALCULI (101)
Teeth; P; SORES (56)
Skin; P; ERUPTIONS; Chronic (60)
Discussion and remedy choice
The desire for olive oil looks somewhat common in cats, for me and was not included in the repertorisation. Indeed I often have heard about cats gnawing olive wood or lapping olive oil.
But the fact that one could reassure Ernesto by talking to him strengthens the choice of Phosphorus.
Mind; M; CONSOLATION; Amel. (28) : CAMPH., PULS., STRAM., Phos., adam., aids, ars., asaf., carc., cic., clad-r., cypra-e., falco-p., gels., harp., hell., herin., kola., lat-h., loxo-r., lyss., ozone, pall., parth., raph., sac-alb., salx-f., sil.
Phos 30 CH 2 granules, eventually to be repeated if necessary.
Mid-April 2013: Ernesto is still fit, plays, hunts and eats as before. October 2012 he was vaccinated again. His weight was 3,6 kg. His anus looked for some days a bit swollen but he ate as he did before and recovered his usual behaviour.
15 March 2016, he is still fit and doesn’t think that he is a miraculously cured cat.
Digestion He likes pancakes, bread, sweet buns and butter. Of course he craves for meat, fish and seafood. We saw him even eat cucumber (not much but nevertheless) , French beans, beetroot and artichoke. Water and food, when given, are usually at room temperature, but if it comes directly from the fridge, he likes it too.
Aversions Noneasfarasweknow,butwedid not try to give him anything that one doesn’t normally give to a cat (the cucumber and beetroot fell on the floor).
Appetite Heeatsallthetimeorratherassoon as he gets an opportunity. He used to eat very quickly (not any more since July 19, 2011). To avoid a too heavy weight gain, he is put on ration and eats twice a day (half past six in the morning and eight p.m.) and goes hunting for extra food. His optimal weight is a little more than 3,5 kg, but in 2004, when he wasn’t put on ration, his weight reached 4,9 kg.
Thirst He drinks a lot, often in the dog’s bowl, after having first dipped his paw in it.
Vomiting? Not noticed
Stool,urine? Noidea:onedoesn’tseehim
Sexual behaviour? He was castrated very soon and never showed interest in females, but in the cat of the house, which he obviously considered as a replacement mother, when he arrived in the family.
Medical history? Not known
Whatabouthisgrowth? Inspiteofadifficult start, he had a normal growth. He is a survivor, rather small in size but dynamic and muscular.
Vaccinations? He got a booster every year. The last shot before July 2011 was in October 2010. He was not dewormed during the 4 previous months. It was planned, as well as the pipette against fleas, in the coming days.
Disease outcome? He didn’t seem to suffer (in any case one could not localise, where he felt pain). On July 21, 2011, he looked prostrated, sick.
 Deadline for Summer edition of the mag
is 15 June.
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