Page 17 - Spring 23
P. 17

 She used to vomit in the morning, this has reduced quite a bit.”
4 months later
“She produces hard small droppings, they get stuck to her rectum, I have to dislodge them. She is not hunting as much. The urination problems have been resolved. She is straining to go to the toilet at times, she remains in the litter tray a long time; she has been struggling to get out of the litter tray” (?)
The remedy still helps when she is a bit nervy.
It does not help for the constipation.
An intermedium prescription of Causticum makes no difference.
Later we go back to Clad-r 200 C; she gets the occasional dose which manages the constipation. The droppings still remain hard, but it is not an issue anymore = 1.5 years after the initial consultation.
When 16.5 years old, she suddenly goes downhill with eye and digestive issues. She is seen by a conventional colleague, given a poor prognosis, and put to sleep because of a rapid decline.
Why Clad-r?
Since rare, bizarre and curious is something that should guide us in all ways in relation to deciding on the best
possible prescription in homeopathy (rather than what we are most used to... ), the appearance of Clad-r. in the repertorisation drew my attention.
Clad-r or Cladonia rangiferina, reindeer moss, is actually not a moss but a lichen. Lichens are
symbiotic cooperation between a plant and an animal. This theme of extreme symbiotic relationship covered the quite special dependency of this cat in relation to the owner and the other cats even though she did not have the friendliest of character. The contrast between her character and her dependency were the unusual feature of this animal.
Other cases
1 I recently witnessed the presentation of a case presented at a congress of the same remedy, which resolved a nasal carcinoma in a Yorkshire terrier of 11 years old using LM dilutions daily. (Arnaud Pagneux, France)
The repertorisation the vet used was as follows:
This dog had a fusional relationship to its owner: wanting to sit on her lap all the time alternated with jumping off her lap and barking at her telling her what to do. According to the owner the dog always wanted: ‘’to be at home just the two of us together’’.
The vet proposed the following themes for this remedy:
• Desireforalifepartner
• Combination of violence and dependence in the relation to the others
• Lookingforprotection
• Senseofbeingpoor(lackinginthings)
• Acertainslownessofreaction
2 Recently I prescribed the remedy for a Border collie (competes in obedience) that does everything to achieve the same exclusive relationship with his owner. The reason for the consultation was the intolerance to other dogs being near/being in his face. This dog does not want to have anything to do with the other (female) dog in the house. ‘’He is always looking for something to react to, he feels threatened. He would like to be in charge, but he knows he is not.’’
The feedback is only 3 months needing a second dose in
 200C but with seemingly very good results: much better behaved in relation to other dogs.
I did not repertorise: the whole consultation just oozed in this really very tight relationship which looked more parasitic than symbiotic.

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