Page 8 - Spring 23
P. 8

  ...organizations like the IAVH are more important than ever, as we try to bridge cultures across the world
Greetings all, and happy Solstice. It's early June as I write this, almost summer in the northern hemisphere and winter for all those south of the equator. As we have finally survived the coronavirus mess, now the world is still in turmoil, with wars and provocation in nearly every region of our planet. We humans are a peculiar twist of fate. Eckhart Tolle said that we tend to define ourselves by what we oppose. If so, we are creating new definitions faster than the dictionaries can keep up. It seems fear of the other is at an all time high.
And so organizations like the IAVH are more important than ever, as we try to bridge cultures across the world, minimizing the sense of otherness which can engulf we humans if we are not careful.
In April, we had a lovely conference in Parma, Italy, along with the Società Italiana di Omeopatia Veterinaria (SIOV, Italian Homeopathic Veterinary Association). We had nice lectures from SIOV members as well as IAVH members on quite a range of topics pertinent to homeopathic veterinary medicine, and we also simply enjoyed being together with colleagues from many countries. It is always heartening to be with such colleagues from different parts of the world, making connections, shrinking the world bit- by-bit.
Also in April, our longtime member and past-Vice President, Minako Kuroda, from Japan, attended the World Veterinary Association's annual congress in Taipei,
Taiwan. Minako went as our representative, as she has done previously. As before, she met members from many parts of the world, introducing homeopathy to them as well as networking with people to see how we can spread the practice of homeopathy. Many delegates to the WVA come from countries with lower economic strength, so homeopathic medicine could be very helpful in some of these countries, especially treating livestock. Through Minako's work, we are hoping to be helpful in these situations. She generally found a positive response to her discussions among colleagues at the WVA Congress.
I reported last month that we are reorganizing the IAVH office, since Sam Finlay has decided to step down. We have now hired Lavra Kreacic, from Slovenia, to manage the office. Lavra has stepped right up and, with Mirjam Blatnik, has gotten the office running smoothly. We still have some membership issues to sort out, but that is coming in
line. Anyone who has questions or problems with your membership, please contact Lavra at the usual email address (
We are still working on having webinars every two months, but we had a problem with security of the link for those who want to watch the recorded version rather being on the webinar live, and so these are briefly on hold until we sort this out. But this should not be too long, maybe even sorted by the time this is published.
Thanks for reading so far, and please submit cases and articles to the magazine. The more contributions, the better for all of us and for homeopathy.
 Don Hamilton
President, IAVH

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