Page 10 - Autumn 14
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Organ Support Remedies by Tom Farrington, Ireland
These are sometimes referred to as Detox remedies and to a degree should include the Schuessler Tissue Salt remedies, some listed are tissue salts, some are homeopathic tinctures or low potency homeopathics, some are Bach Flower Remedies e.g. Ornithogalum umbellatum 1x is Star of Bethlehem, sometimes a herbal tincture of the same remedy will act differently to the homeopathic tincture or potency, as they are different extractions at different times from the same plant leading to different ingredients and concentrations and so different action! Oil extractions are different again, but for example the oil extraction of St John's Worth complements the action of Hypericum tincture and Hypericum in potency wonderfully in Herpes Zoster (Shingles), but selection of remedy, organ support is best selected on broad homeopathic principles, otherwise you can end up with suppression rather than cure or support. I saw this in a case of Shingles, where conventional medicine was used in combination with Hypericum as above and the resolution was so rapid as to surprise all involved only to be followed by a generalised burning sensation worse in specific areas such as the ball of the foot. Mezereum rapidly improved the patient when selected on homeopathic principals!
For example where the right kidney is the problem area, Berberis would be the best organ support, especially in the presence of stone or gravel formation and can be used from mother tincture to 6x, even to complement the higher homeopathic potencies. If infection was involved, it could be complemented with Uva ursi and Echinacea. If there was resultant oedema, Solidago, Apis 6x and Urtica urens tincture could be better complements than Apis, especially so in the thistles patient. One point that should not need mentioning, but for thoroughness sake I include, is changes of diet, the inclusion of more fluid or other support therapies including subcutaneous or intravenous fluids should all be considered.
This approach is particularly relevant in the very weak patient with very low vital force or the elderly patient, where palliative treatment seems the only option such as in cases, where well-chosen remedies have failed to elicit a response or only work for short periods. Properly used, these remedies can provide substantial extension to life, but one should always try to seek a truly homeopathic remedy for any patient. It should be noted, where long- term use is envisaged, lower potencies are less likely to lead to provings over time, but any potency can produce a proving in the very sensitive patient.
Many of these have multiple organ affinities, for example Berberis vulgaris helps not just the kidney, but also the liver. Ferrum
phos 6x to 12x helps blood production in anaemia, but also helps in fever and I have seen it cure chronic unresponsive diarrhoea concomitant with anaemia, when administered over a prolonged period. Crataegus oxyacantha helps the heart, but as a consequence should also be thought of as helping the kidneys (increased circulation) and the liver (decreased congestion). The acupuncture cycle chart below (original source Phil Rogers homepage m) helps in looking at various organs that need to be supported together, for example the energy cycles from organ to organ in the direction of the arrows but where an organ becomes obstructed, the arrows reverse with the blockage gradually affecting organs up stream of that, either in a conventional sense, acupuncture energy sense or from a pure energetic sense. (For purposes of completeness I have included a map of the major chakras, which can quite easily be
a broken back in my case always has an icy cold area exactly over the fracture point. The affected area will be related to an acupuncture site, an organ on the cycle below or a chakra indicating what sort of support remedies to use.
KEY BL Bladder; GB Gallbladder; HT Heart; KI Kidney; LI Large Intestine; LV Liver; LU Lung; PC Pericardium; ST Stomach; SP Spleen; TH Triple Heater;
MAIN CHAKRA REGIONS HORSE (note Spleen Chakra is to one side(left) and toward the end of the navel region)
  sensed by 1) bringing two hands to within six inches of each other till there is a sense in the hand of energy, which can be perceived as pressure/tingling/heat/cold and so on, depending on who you are. Then you move your hand with the palm directly facing the body surface being sensed ... a change in sensation over a major organ strongly suggests some form of dysfunction in that system, e.g. over the liver in hepatitis /cancer/ gall bladder issues etc. over liver and spleen in sarcoma with spread, the sensation felt varies person to person, but when you do this over a few animals, you will rapidly learn the difference between normal or abnormal. I would suggest that you start doing this with a number of "normal" patients that can be contrasted with patients, who have known issues. Practice will rapidly improve... for sceptical clients I always imply I am looking for areas of heat over the patient indicating inflammation (mostly true, but you can learn much more over time for example
With the remedies below multiple affinity is denoted *K/SI/SP/B/LV/A/HT/LU/SEP/ST/PA/LY
The listing below [page 11] is by no means exhaustive. For example at the time of writing, Flor de piedra is not included but is a remedy for the support of all glands, especially the thyroid (See Tim Couzens Book: Homeopathy for Horses). The groupings below should help you work out, how to use and even make up your own organ support remedies, which can
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