Page 15 - Winter 18
P. 15

 The well-being of all beings is at risk.
Not just the trees and bees but also the stones and water. What if we could change this?
We know vaccines are not the answer.
No human can control disease.
No human can make decisions about what he does not comprehend.
Don’t we understand that yet? Why is man so ignorant?
Thinking he can change the world.
Thinking he knows better than other beings. Thinking he understands nature’s balance.
So much for thinking.
But he keeps making rules.
He agrees to them and gets others to follow along. The rules make no sense.
But still they follow, like lemmings.
In reality, man is destroying the planet.
Man is polluting the air, water, and land.
Flora and fauna have been suffering.
Many species are extinct and others are on the brink. Man is just now beginning to suffer.
But he’s in denial.
Like the monkey, he hears nothing and sees nothing. When will he learn?
I’m afraid that it is too late.
Here come the accusations of fear-mongering. Big Pharma has big money and denies everything. Monsanto and Con Agra deny everything.
They are doing good for the planet.
Attorneys get big money to help the other bigs.
The web of life connects everything. Whatwedotoone,wedotoall.
We vibrate one strand here and it is felt there.
Our calm and peaceful thoughts are transferred to water. The water is happy.
We think of poverty, lack, disease. This attracts poverty, lack, disease. Just what we asked for.
Big money pays the bills.
Big influence makes the rules.
Little guys don’t have a chance.
The emperor has no clothes.
But almost everyone thinks he is dressed. Only some see the naked man.
That elephant in the room is amazing, isn’t it? Don’t vaccinate your children.
Eat organic food.
Grow your own if you can.
Be at peace.
Respect all life. Laugh.
Play a game. Meditate. Love.
That’s it. Love.
Lori D. Leonard 2016

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