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similar disease (cowpox) to prevent smallpox. Hahnemann used medicines, which caused specific symptoms in healthy humans, to prevent and treat diseases with a similar symptom picture.
4. Epigenetics and Miasms
Epigenetics is the recent ground breaking study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression, rather than alteration of the genetic code itself, and has transformed the way we think about genomes. Darwin wrote in 'On the origin of Species' (1859) that species arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inher- ited variations that increase the individual's ability to compete, survive, and reproduce. Previously in 1801 Lamark had proposed his theory of the inheritance of acquired char- acteristics, which was later rejected. Modern observation and accurate recording has revealed that in principle Lamark had a point. The environment (e.g. exposure to toxins or chronic stress) can cause epigenetic changes, and these changes can be inherited, at least for a few genera- tions. Stress and disease in the mother or father impacts the health of their offspring before they are even conceived.
In one study, female rats were exposed to a fungicide (vin- clozolin) and it was found that epigenetic changes that occurred in the first generation male offspring were faith- fully passed on through at least four generations (10).
Scientists now think epigenetics can play a role in the devel- opment of cancer. Uncontrolled cellular growth can result from epigenetic change that silences a tumour suppressor gene. Another example is an epigenetic change that ‘turns off’ genes that help repair damaged DNA, leading to an increase in DNA damage, which in turn, increases cancer risk.(11,12)
To sum up; an individual's gene expression, health and sus- ceptibility to disease are changed by adverse conditions in the environment and these changes can be passed to sub- sequent generations in a non-Darwinian manner.
Epigenetics, or the equivalent in homeopathy, Miasm Theory, was fully understood by Hahnemann, and eluci- dated in his opus 'Chronic Disease', published in 1828. Miasm theory was an attempt to find a cure (as opposed to simply suppressing symptoms using life-long medication). Hahnemann came to his theory by spending years poring over his patients’ case files. He observed many did well with acute problems but returned ill with chronic ailments. He discovered by detailed history taking and observation that the diseases to which his patients were susceptible, and the way each individual expressed disease, was determined by the illnesses that their parents and grandparents had suf- fered, especially if these illnesses were suppressed by med- ication. Using these observations, he developed a method of
treating chronic disease. The story is a long one – Chronic Disease is 1600 pages long, but it was epigenetics 200 years ahead of its time.
5. The Vital Force
Homeopathy uses solutions, which have been serially diluted one in a hundred many times, vigorously shaken at each stage. This means that in most remedies there is none of the original material substance left. Homeopaths under- stand these medicines contain an energetic pattern of the original starting substance. Homeopathy states that in all living organisms the ultimate control of the functioning of the body and mind, including the immune system, lies with a dynamic energetic force called the Vital Force. To interact best with this force, an energetic medicine is preferable. The material body and all its chemical functions are simply the hardware. The Vital Force is the software, and is not detectable by early 21st century science. However in one form or another this force has been assumed to exist by every race of humans as far back in history as we can deter- mine, and is variously called the qi, spirit, astral and other bodies, soul, prana, ka, hun, atman and others.
I predict that the greatest scientific discovery of the 21st century will be the vital force. I wonder if homeopathy and Hahnemann will be acknowledged as the first to realise the action of this force in disease and cure? Somehow I doubt it, as although all the other cutting edge theories of Hahnemann have been completely vindicated by, and are central to, the most modern developments in medicine, the attacks upon homeopathy by the so-called sceptics con- tinue. That is unsound science.
(1) 'The Scientific method'
(2) Tierney LM, 2003. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment Revised Appleton & Lange. Page 1701
(3) The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Atlanta, Georgia: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Violence Prevention. May 2014. (4) Stevens, Jane Ellen (8 October 2012). The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study — the Largest Public Health Study You Never Heard Of. The Huffington Post
(5) Felitti, Vincent J; Anda, Robert F; et al. (May 1998). "Relationship of Childhood Abuse and Household Dysfunction to Many of the Leading Causes of Death in Adults: The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study".American Journal of Preventive Medicine.14(4): 245–258
(6) Animal Emotions: Exploring Passionate Natures: Marc Bekoff BioScience, Volume 50, Issue 10 Pages 861–870,
(7) Yes, Animals Have Feelings Jonathan Balcombe, Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy December 10, 2014
(9) Hippocrates' Oath and Asclepius' Snake: The Birth of a Medical Profession p15 T. A. Cavanaugh
10) Epigenetic Transgenerational Inheritance of Vinclozolin Induced Mouse Adult Onset Disease and Associated Sperm Epigenome Biomarkers Carlos Guerrero-Bosagna
11) Cancer Epigenetics: From Mechanism to Therapy. Mark Dawson Tony Kouzaride
12) Carcinogenesis. Epigenetics in cancer Shikhar Sharma

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