Page 16 - Summer 17
P. 16

continued from p13 – Don Hamilton
died, as if the cord had been cut prematurely. I had a 1M Placenta, so we gave this on August 4, 2014, one year after the initial intake.
On August 28th, Thomas emailed that Simba had briefly improved, but it had not held. What to do? Placenta felt right, and the Joshis say that, at least with 200C, sometimes they have to give a repeat before the remedy “holds.” I had Thomas repeat the 1M Placenta, but this time I told him to give it twice a day for two days.
Heather, Thomas’s good friend, who referred him to me, told me some time later that Simba is “amazingly better.” From my notes, she said, “the look in his eyes, etc. He is a different dog. I saw him yesterday and I was so blown away. Wow. His energy. He’s gone from being an uptight vigilant, to having a presence of softness. Soft, calm. I never saw this.” Heather also said that “Carla was incredibly anxious,
incredibly self involved. She had no contact but Simba. Thomas could play with Simba but what Simba really needed was to be held. Thomas is so busy having fun, too busy to just hang. This is what I sense.”
Thomas also reported that “He still chews on his feet but its far less then it was before the remedy. But I would say for the last month or more it is Status quo-no continuing improvement. But still, better then before the remedy.
Also, since the remedy, dog sitter's tell me that he no longer sits and stares at the door when I leave. I think he is better at being alone.”
We did one more repeat at this time, in October 2014. Simba has done very well since then. We also ended up giving Placenta to Heather’s dog for quite some time, also a dog with a lot of skin and GI troubles and a long, complicated case. It helped quite a bit. But that’s another story.
continued from p10 – Carolina Gómez
within the family, not realising that they have nothing to do with the problem. In the book What the animals tell me, B. Lydecker cites a case of a dachshund that nipped and scratched herself, whenever her guardians had a dispute and felt frustrated by the abandonment. When the couple realised the situation, they took the appropriate measures and as a result, the chronic itchy skin conditions disappeared.
From the BIOLOGICAL perspective. Rupert Sheldrake, in his book entitled Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, showed several cases the telepathic connection between the guards and their dogs.
From BIOPHYSICAL perspective:
Dr. Paul Pearsall, outlined in the book entitled The Heart’s Code, the existence of an important electromagnetic field caused by the activity of the heart and Ricardo Garcia Molina talks about the interaction within human fields and between humans-animals fields.
Affinities man/animal
How can we explain the numerous examples of animals, in which their human partner’s mental and physical health is reflected? Is it a coincidence or is there something else?
If we want to comprehend this phenomenon, we should know the bonds between the person and the animal. For this, the world is limited to the family and perhaps a few dogs, cats and neighbourhood children. By forming dependency ties, called by biologists “imprinting effects”, our animal companion becomes an individual highly susceptible to everything around him.
To approach the truth, we must always take into account the multiplicity of factors involved or at stake. Veterinarians need to know not only internal medicine of our patients and all pathologies associated with them, but also the FAMILY NUCLEUS in which they develop. We must remember that each family member is an ELEMENT OF THE SYSTEM including the dog or cat; thus, sometimes being the case that the cause of the disease affecting our learning partner is the family nucleus.
Recognizing the influence of family nucleus in the health of companion animals and take appropriate measures to promote the harmony of all its members.
To conscientiously perform the homeopathic consultation because this is a holistic approach. This concept of TOTALITY, involves not only the organism but also the factors, which surround it.
Homeopathy can restore the energetic, emotional and physical imbalance in both humans and companion animals. Sometimes the Simillimun remedy of the guardian can be the same that cures the pathology of our traveling companion.
GONZÁLEZ, Luis Felipe. “Systemic Therapy notes”. 2002. GUTMAN, Laura. “Dear Moms”. Magazine N° 14, 2nd year. “The child’s body as a manifestation of the mother emotional reality, June 1999.
GUTMAN, Laura. “Maternity and the encounter with the own shadow” Ed. Laura Gutman, 2002.
KENT, J. T.” Homeopathic Filosophy “ Páginas 191-193, Ed. Albatros, 1980.
PITCAIRN, Richard. “ Salud natural para perros y gatos “. Ed. Bellaterra, s.a, 1983.
SHELDRAKE, Rupert, “De perros que saben que sus amos están camino de casa y otras facultades inexplicables de los animales”, Ed. Paidos, Ibérica 2007.
continued from opposite page – Geoff Johnson
 to emerge.
So which lac to choose? The happiest of all our remedies might be lac-del, but water was never mentioned. Lac felinum must be considered, but Cuddles isn’t behaving like an archetypal cat. In fact she is behaving like a DOG.
Prescription Lac caninum 200C BID for 3 days.
Result via email with pictures.
6-7-17 She is doing so much better. As you can see her hair has rapidly returned. Her tail looked like a rats tail four weeks ago and was completely bald but that has all now grown back. The biggest immediate difference was her personality. She immediately had more energy, she went back to her old self and had so much more energy and was actively seeking our attention rather than us picking her up. Her appetite has increased massively and she’s loving the raw food again. She has an odd milky smell to her since being on he remedy almost like a new-born or a puppy smell. She still is itchy under her neck but she has had no flare up’s and I very rarely need to put any lotion on her skin at all now.
20-7-17, Hi Geoff, Cuddles is still doing really well. Her fur is still growing and she’s putting on weight. The dogs milk seems have massively brought her back to health. The pictures show the improvement.
It’s early days, but all looking positive. We know the main reasons for prescribing lac remedies are;
mother issues, communicative, hormonal problems, eating disorders, desiring cuddles, sympathetic, milk and mammae issues.
Then we need to decide, whether our patient is a prey or predator or somewhere in between. I usually start with the concept – are you a mouse or a lion, and carry on from there. Are there affinities to particular mammals such as running, swimming, pouncing, hiding, climbing, herds or food desires? A recent papillon is responding well to lac humanum, because she is highly intelligent and tells the other dogs what to do – that is what a human does!

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