Page 7 - Winter 24-25
P. 7

 Halite is found in varying forms all around the world, varying in both appearance and colour of the crystals (see photos above – from
Clearly the exact origin of the remedy, and its method of production, will have a significant impact on the remedy picture. Colour itself is nothing more than electro- magnetic radiation of a certain wavelength, so even the simple variation in colour shows each to have its own energetic identity. We could probably create a whole materia medica based purely on the different naturally occurring forms of natrum muriaticum! In simple terms, however, sea salt would be expected to have solar energy as a component of its energetic identity; mined rock salt has been under extreme pressure underground for some time, which may also be an influence, as would any integral impurities (which can also influence the colour of the crystal); and these will also be different to salt created by natural evaporation processes. My instinct is that salt mined from underground must energetically be fundamentally different to that which has been freely circulating in the oceans, and these also distinct from that formed under laboratory conditions.
I will not proceed to repeat the well-known Materia Medica of Natrum muriaticum in this article, as there are
multiple more worthy sources available. It is, however, interesting to reflect on the nature of the compound and the nature of the remedy picture/patient. I have, however, chosen a couple of key characteristics of the remedy to be considered in more depth.
The coming together of two reactive elements points the way to the understanding of the remedy. Natrum is fiery and explosive, so reactive that it is not found in its pure form in the natural state. Chlorine is a corrosive and irritant gas; it is also found almost exclusively in compounds, not in the free form, although some free chlorine can be found in volcanic gases. Its corrosive nature was utilised as weaponry in warfare (and seemingly still is in some parts of the world). When we combine the two, the remedy picture is very different – on the face of it! They cannot survive alone, and when they are, the elements are unstable. This is reflected by the remedy type’s well-known need for a partner, and their utter devastation when the relationship ends, for whatever reason (or their bitterness when such a union is not forthcoming).
Salt absorbs and retains in nature, and does the same homeopathically. They are renowned good listener and can have a very empathetic nature, having been through so much perceived hardship themselves. They are very happy to be the support for others as they offload their problems (absorbing) but a very reluctant to do so themselves (retaining). These are animals who are always there for their carer, are often in tune with your feelings, will be by your side at times of stress, yet are reluctant to accept stroking and reassurance themselves.
The patients can be very unforthcoming, hiding behind either a quiet demeanour, or sometimes a façade of an
outgoing nature to protect the vulnerable real self, but it lacks the natural sociability of, for example, the Phosphorus patient. Their explosive nature remains hidden from view:
MIND: Ailments from: Anger – suppressed (2) MIND: Ailments from: Anger – indignation with (2) MIND: Ailments from: Anger – silent grief; with (3)
but beware, not always!...
MIND: Anger – violent (2) MIND: Rage (2).
The energy of the natrum element is hidden and unable to express itself, resulting in the well-known suppressed emotional state. The patient protects their inner emotions to the point of aggression when they feel vulnerable, even when the intentions are friendly (as any small animal vet knows all too well!). This anger can be very sudden and, to the unwary, unexpected, although there are frequently the subtle warning signs of a twitching tail in a seemingly well- behaved cat, or the twitch of a lip in a dog standing obediently motionless for you to carry out your examination.
MIND: Rage – consolation, from (2/1) – surprisingly the sole remedy.
There is an underlying and controlled irritability:
MIND: Irritability (3)
MIND: Irritability: Consolation - agg (3)
This is because of their feeling of vulnerability, and their need to protect their subconscious hurt and insecurity; there lies too much hurt, too much grief, too many bad memories; just leave it alone, it’s too painful!
continued on p6

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