Page 11 - Spring 22
P. 11
they hide their symptoms to all but the keen observer, human or predator. If an animal looks ill, it really is ill and will be picked on by its social group or preyed upon by a predator. Survival depends upon the individual appearing healthy at all costs to maintain safety for as long as possible. Therefore, when the uneducated observer finally notices something is wrong, it is way “bloody too late!” I have buried more than my share of patients who simply had run out of time. The cascade of shut down was already way past any reversal and there was no retrieving the situation no matter what therapy was employed, or how it was medically or energetically delivered.
Nevertheless, I’ve witnessed scores of miraculous recoveries since using homeopathy that would not have been possible during the many previous years when I applied only conventional allopathic medicine. And yet, some patients demonstrated good recoveries in severe, acute, life threatened situations, only to die suddenly, but peacefully in the middle of that joyous recovery. I call this the “calm before the storm.” I can only explain this phenomenon by surmising that the animal was already in the dying process, and the disease was incurable. The homeopathic action stimulated the life force to respond
and revive (have one last go at it) but the vital physical processes necessary to sustain a longer life were already just too depleted, or the pathology (the ultimates, the results of disease, the end product) too severe for life sustaining function. I also see this in true terminal chronic disease in any species, including humans. The death process is temporarily stalled in some way, people can wake from comas and tell their loved one’s goodbye, be free from pain and suffering, and then peacefully fade away again.
True acute diseases or processes have only a top layer, while acute expressions of chronic disease have many layers or aspects to the case. The top layer of true acutes is the manifestations and active symptoms of the immediate
situation, such as all the features associated with an acute injury. Whereas the top layer of an acute flare up of chronic disease may look like an acute situation in its entirety, it is actually a sudden outburst or release of energy like a geyser letting off steam. Underlying this top layer are bottom layers where the chronic disease miasm lies in latency (usually the many manifestations of psora). This is the state of the chronic condition after the flare up has subsided and the stream has returned to its bed. It behoves the practitioner to decide ahead of time whether true acute disease is being treated, or only the acute expression of chronic disease, as often the medicine selection, and the homeopathic response will be vastly different in each.