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 talked about the symptoms seen are often unclear – ‘steroid fog’ – and reminded us to remember that remedies can also be antidoted by conventional medicine. We should initially look for emotional causes, effects of vaccina- tions, obstacles to cure, miasmatic influences and effects of suppressive conventional treat- ment. It is often best to start with ‘clearing’ remedies, such as Sulphur, Psorinum, Bowel nosodes, tautopathy and miasmatic nosodes and once the picture is clear, progress to pre- scribe constitutionally, paying special attention to heat modalities and the totality of symptoms. Some case examples were presented alongside an array of remedies commonly used in the treatment of skin diseases.
After another short break Nick Thompson (UK) lectured on the unusual subject of Autism-Like Syndrome in Dogs and its Treatment with Homeopathy.
‘The CEASE Therapy’ is a concept of Dutch homeopath Tinus Smits who sees autism in children as a physiological and ‘energetic’ dis- equilibrium due to exposure to the following: • Childhood vaccines
• Organic compounds
• Maternal drug exposure during pregnancy • Parental drug exposure pre-conception
• Heavy metal exposure
• Antibiotic use in mother and child and
• Any drug given to a young child especially below the age of 2 years.
There are many parallels in the treatment of young children and young animals and we see more and more animals with autistic traits, such as difficulties in social interaction (difficul-
ties with social relationships – can appear aloof or indifferent), communication (difficulty with verbal and non-verbal communication) and imagination (difficulty with inter-personal play and imagination). Other symptoms could be along the lines of either hypersensitive or immune to touch, routine is important, obses- sion with certain objects, food issues, anger/violence, diarrhoea/eczema/allergies. Very little has of yet been published about canine autism making this a fairly new concept. Dr Smits’ treatment briefly comprises of: Homeopathy (a combination of isopathic vac- cine/drug remedies, common ‘Autism’ reme- dies – detoxification, inspiring homeopathy treating universal layers and classical homeop- athy), supplements such as fish oil, glutamates, high dose of vitamin C (both water and fat-sol- ubles), zink and magnesium) and correction of diet (gluten and casein-free diet, no sweets and no processed food). Several cases from the speaker’s own practice were presented giving us an idea of what to look for.
Finally, Marcus Mayer (IAVH Office, Germany) gave an introduction to the IAVH.
Marcus told us what the IAVH is and what it does and can do for it’s members. He talked of the possibilities, through the IAVH, to unite vet- erinary homeopaths on a global level. He invited the Hungarian contingency to join the associa- tion either individually or as a group under the umbrella organisation.
The congress ended.
In the evening we were invited by our Hungarian hosts to joint them for a Social Event : Dinner in a buffet restaurant with the largest and most excellent choice of dishes I have ever seen! Good food, drink and best of all good company to end a very successful congress here in Budapest.
Sunday 21 April was time for the annual Board Meeting for the IAVH and in the evening some of us enjoyed the local performance of the opera, La Traviata.
I’d like to thank our Hungarian colleagues and friends for a fantastic congress and wish to extend the welcome to join us in the IAVH.
Malene Jørgensen, BAHVS mag Editor
                The Science of Hormones, Love and Vitality Brain Science & the Hormones Adrenal Glands & Thyroid – Homeopathy for the Life Transitions
Penny Brohn Cancer Centre in Pill 10.00am – 4.00pm (CPD: 4 hrs 50 min.) Seminar investment: £65 (lunch and refreshmentsincluded)
Cut off date: 20th September 2012
Alize Timmerman trained as a research bio- chemist and was involved in genetic research at the University of Amsterdam, Holland. Alize studied Naturopathy graduating from the School of Natural Healthcare in Amsterdam in 1980. She specialized in Homeopathy. She has studied with George Vithoulkas and Vasilis Ghegas; and has worked closely with Jan Scholten and Jeremy Sherr.
She runs a research institute in the Netherlands.
Saturday, 29th September 2012
This event suits all levels of experience.
The neurobiology of the brain: First we will explore how our hormones and neurotransmit- ters affect our brain functions and how they determine our moods and our thoughts, the way we enjoy life, have fun and experience feelings of happiness. Then we will look at how these can derail due to changes in hormonal levels, hormonal changes and transitions in our life. We will discuss hormonal influences relat- ed to the hormonal transitions from one phase
of life to the next, and problems and hormonal disturbances that may occur during these transitions. We can relate
the miasms to the phases of life, helping us to differentiate the remedies for disturbances and diseases that occur during these transitions.
We will discuss pathology affecting the Pituitary gland, Adrenal glands and Thyroid, and discuss remedies related to these problems; in particular the Nitricums and Iodatums, Cortisone, Thyroidinum, Adrenaline and Pituitary Gland. We will share some video- cases about this topic. The Bristol Homeopathic Hospital will also present research into a prov- ing of testosterone.
For more details/ to book a place, please email Renata, academic administrator at:
or phone 0117 9466087
 Master class with ALIZE TIMMERMAN
      Photo: Sina Perl

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