Page 16 - Summer 12
P. 16
Continued from page 13
suspended for several days and the return of milk into her breasts three years after the birth of her last child.
A proving was done in 1998 in Germany involving 8 women and 5 men between the ages of 28-50. Six doses of 30c were taken over three days unless signs developed before- hand.
Materia Medica
• Indifference or hatred/anger
• Anxiety, irritability, aversion to company, aversion to change
• Hates people who seem to be enjoying life (Ambra grisea)
• Internal restlessness and trembling
• Sadness
• Difficulty concentrating
• Criticise others, lash out physically or
verbally and can cut people off emotionally
• Mania for cleanliness, industrious
• Introverted
• Desire to be left alone
Head and Face
• Eruptions: blisters, urticaria, erysipelas, oedematous swellings
• Empty sensation, numbness, as
though there is a band above the eyebrows
• Tender itchy scalp and hair feels dry and brittle
• Vertigo on moving/walking
Eyes, Nose and Ear
• Itching throbbing and burning sensation • Increased sensitivity to odours/
blocked nose
• Inflammation, watery discharge, s
trong sneezing
• Eyes feel as if they are bulging because
the sockets are too tight and a sensation
as if the eyes will fall out of the head
• Oedematous eyelids, watery discharge
• Swollen, oedematous ears, stitching pain
in the ears
• Metallic taste, salty and bitter tastes • Burning of lips and tongue
• Pulsation – gums
• Difficult speech
• Salivation
• Feeling as though bitten the tongue
Food Desires: Alcohol (beer), bread (dry), chocolate, coffee, salty food, spices, warm food and drinks
Food Aversions: Rich and fatty foods, meat Food Aggravation: Fish
Gastrointestinal System
• Burning (heartburn)
• Stitching, pressing pain, bloating and
• Itching with a burning sensation in the
rectum, haemorrhoids
• Increased stool, 3-4 times daily • Stool is thin and pasty
Respiratory System
• Itchy throat, as though a lump in the throat, scraped sensation
• Sensation: stabbing or pressure
• Dry tickly cough, little expectoration
• Eruptions: watery blisters on the skin of
the chest
Urinary and Genital system
• Urine retention
• Menses: early or prolonged
• Stabbing pain in the left breast • Milk in non-pregnant women • Milk absent or too profuse, or
disappears too early
• Numbness, pins and needles
• Vesicular eruption especially on the
face, arms, shoulders and breasts • Nettle rash, Prickly heat
• Burning sensation
• Desquamation
• Perspiration even though feels chilly • Eruptions: bends of elbows
• Heaviness, pressure
• Bursitis, tennis elbow, shoulder pains
radiating to the arms and wrists
• Chilly, better for eating
• Ameliorations: 6-9pm, physical
exercise, eating
Mental or physical stress and over exertion are the commonest known triggers for the Medusa state.
The remedy is often required in times of tran- sition when a person finds it difficult to adapt to changes in their environment or circum- stances and where the process has required them to over extend their physical and psycho- logical energy.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, headaches, joint problems, bursitis and low white blood cell counts may occur.
Dr Margery Blackie in Classical
Main polarities
• Either extreme pain and over sensitivity or numbness
• Either anger or indifference
• Averse to change or to new situations
• Cannot go with the flow
• Hates people who are enjoying themselves • Critical., lashes out physically and verbally
Physical Sensations
• Burning, stitching, throbbing, numbness, pins and needles, crawling sensation
and itching
• Enlarged and swollen
Remedy Differentials
• Physalia (Portuguese man of war): urticaria worse for applications of water and worse for motion
• Corallium rubrum (red coral): coughs (whooping cough), eruptions / psoriasis
• Astacus fluviatilis (crawfish): nettle rash
with liver complaints
• Homarus (lobster digestive fluid): oedema
especially of the throat and breathing difficulties • Apis Mellifica (honey bee): urticaria, oede- ma, inflammation of the kidneys. Burning pricking, stinging pains with excessive
oedema worse for heat in any form
Homoeopathy (1986) has three case studies where the predominant themes are:
1. Not performing well under pressure
2. Withdrawal and the inability to adapt
to change, leading to physical symptoms of
lethargy, asthma and headaches
3. Movementandchangeaggravate
Dr Blackie described Medusa as “a cross between Sepia and Natrum mur.
Everything is slighter. It is useful because when you are listening to the patients history and looking at them you think they must need Natrum mur or that they must need Sepia – and they do not. This applies particularly in the adolescent who finds his life rather difficult”.
System Affinities
• Lymphatic system
• Immune system (auto-immune conditions) • Skin
• Musculoskeletal system
Clinical Affinities
• Allergic reactions
• Skin allergy, nettle
rash, oedema
• Lactation problems
• Low immunity prob-
lems (low white
blood cell counts)
• Arthritis, bursitis and
other joint problems
• Urtica urens (stinging nettle): Agalactia, allergic reactions, urticaria, kidney stones. Symptoms are worse for cold applications
• Rhus tox (poison ivy): skin eruptions, urticaria, vesicles, intense itching. Arthritis. Symptoms are worse for cold and damp.