Page 19 - Spring 12
P. 19

      For years as soon as I touched her head she would begin to lick her front legs, or anything else that was near.”
The improvement in sensitivity did not progress further so Ketamine 200c sid x5 days was prescribed.
Again Mrs H’s comments best describe the result:
“I gave Prem the second tablet this morning and I stroked her from head to tail ten times without her skin rippling, without her suddenly obses- sively licking, without her scratching!!! I never thought to see the day. This absence of scratch- ing is absolutely wonderful.”
She later commented in an email that she had brought Prem into the garden and she had set- tled down on her lap or on the greenhouse shelf. She said that she had brought her downstairs several times since the Ketamine and after some initial pacing Prem had settled down on the sofa and not done anything antisocial.
She is still nervous of visitors and is still on 2.5 mg Prednisolone twice weekly as her bow- els become very loose if this is reduced.
At the beginning of September I received an update to say that Prem was showing her previ- ous skin irritation near the base of her tail though she could be stroked without any reac- tion as far as that point. I advised a single dose of Ketamine 200c.
To date it would appear that Prem needs the occasional repeat dose of Ketamine 200c. She is certainly not cured but at the age of 18 we have given her huge relief from her distressing symptoms. I suspect she may now benefit from a constitutional remedy, which may have a greater response now that the Ketamine dam- age has been at least partially resolved.
I wanted to bring this case to the attention of the readership because with the common use of Ketamine, especially in cats, and cats in rescue homes due to its low cost and convenience of use, I suspect that there are many individuals out there showing symptoms to one degree or another. I shall certainly be more aware of the possibility now, as will Mrs H.! At the very least we are starting to give a dose of Ketamine 30c to all cats anaesthetised with this drug though the more obvious decision maybe to follow Don’s advice and stop using the drug altogether.
I first saw 9 year old Miki waiting patiently in the reception room, no lead required, just obe- diently sitting in front of his owner Beata. He was a stunning example of a long haired German Shepherd, elegant, beautiful, calm and seemingly at home in this new environ- ment. So it came as a big surprise to hear Beatas complaints about his behaviour.
Everything had changed after the sudden death of his companion Naya, a strong confi- dent German Shepherd who was the more dominant individual providing him with the protection he seemed to need.
Since her death a shifting lameness had started of the forelegs. He was also showing weakness in the hind legs and was now wor- ried about everything.
Beata was frank with her feedings about Miki:
“He thinks I reject him, he felt I loved Naya more. He will never come for cuddles. He will never ask to do anything first. He has no will! If I don’t give him food or water he will just lay there. He is like a cow, thinking and moving slowly. There is no action. He is just my responsibility. He is unpredictable and can still bite a person if I greet them with excitement,
Happy Endings: Miki’s Legs Wendy Dixon, UK
he will rush from behind and snap, then run away. He used to grab other dogs like he is hunting them. He is worried about everything”.
Miki has reduced range of movement in the carpus joints and also seems somewhat stiff in the hips although the range of movement here is good. There is subtle proprioceptive sugglishness. He cannot stand with his fore- limbs elevated without sinking to the floor.
I repertorised this case as follows: Radar 9.1 Mind – ailments grief
Mind – will – loss of will power
Mind – Indifference
Mind – asking - nothing for
Extremeties – weakness – lower limbs Extremeties – Pain – wandering, shifting pain Extremeties – pain – wrists
Baryta Sulph caught my attention at number 10.
Baryta is in row 6 of the periodic table and according to Sankaran this row has issues with responsibility. Baryta feels totally hope- less and incapable of being the leader. They are dependent and need support, only able to take up responsibility when there is support. The sulph part gives the added issue that I am scorned disgraced, insulted, not appreciated by the person whom I depend on to take up responsibility and provide support. This seemed to fit the case perfectly. A 200c potency was taken twice daily for 2 days. Now 2 months later Miki no longer limps on his forelimbs and the strength in the hind legs is 90% better (he also had some acupuncture for a few weeks which helped also).
Mentally he now walks ahead of Beata, wanders off and sniffs around instead of stick- ing to the owner like glue. He is just more con- fident. She commented he would only ever snap at someone if he was sticking behind her, so now that he is up front and feeling con- fident this is not an issue any more.
           SUN, SAND, SALt and SEA
29 June – 1 July, 2012
      BAHVS Animal Energy 2012 – 30th Birthday Conference, Eastbourne, Sussex

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