Page 3 - Spring 12
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             Welcome to the Spring issue of the mag. We hope you enjoy the offerings this time and thanks to all the contributors for making the effort and also to the advertis-
ers, without whom we couldn’t publish in this present format.
I’m looking forward to meeting many of you again at the BAHVS conference at the end of June and before that, some of you in Budapest later this month for the IAVH Board meeting alongside the Homeopathic conference.
And finally, I’d like to extend Peter’s wel- come to our new South American col- leagues and hope to hear what’s happening with homeopathy in their part of the world .
Committee – BAHVS President – Mark Elliott
Senior Vice-President – Sue Armstrong
Junior Vice-President – Jane Keogh
Hon. Secretary – Stuart Marston
Treasurer – Wendy McGrandles
Magazine Editor – Malene Jørgensen
Communications Officer – Nick Thompson
IAVH Representitive – Peter Gregory
Faculty Veterinary Representitive
John Saxton
Committee Member – Cheryl Sears
Committee – IAVH President – Peter Gregory
Treasurer – Andreas Schmidt
General Secretary – Helene Widmann
Coordinator subcommittee for education:
Stefan Kohlrausch
Head of IAVH Office – Markus Mayer
Newsletter subcommittee
Malene Jørgensen
IAVH Communications Officer
Nick Thompson
LIGA contact – Marc Bär
  Guest Editorial – Gaia’s major pathogen by Geoff Johnson, UK
   Jeremy Sherr once said “every prescrip- tion you ever make will be suppressive”. What did he mean?
It is all to do with the size of the totality you take. Obviously using nosodes or specifics for named diseases is a small totality, and useful for acute but suppressive for chronic disease. Bowel nosodes and sarcodes have a larger totality. The constitutional, which includes the aetiology, would be the largest totality – or would it?
Imagine an excitable cow with a high fever, dilated pupils and a hot, red quarter on the RHS. I'm sure we'd all give Belladonna. However, later we might want to give the con- stitutional Calc carb for this milky, fleshy, help- less individual unprotected against the whims of the farmer. However, maybe Lac defloratum (skimmed milk) would cover more of the case. It encompasses the very essence of dairy cow, demonstrated by the Mind rubrics:
• Fear for one’s children
• Sense of injustice
• Needing to belong to a community
• Being pursued and beaten
• Frontal headache as if the head would fly off
Surely that is the greater totality? However, successful cases that I and other vets have had demonstrate that the state of mind and health of the farmer is tremendously important to the herd’s health. It seems that some prey mam- mals surrender their identity for protection.
If we need to take the farmer into account, then how about the society he lives in? We are a society that considers a sentient animal – a fellow mammal – to be a cog in a machine to be endlessly turned until it breaks in the pursuit of profit. Battery cows in herds of thousands. Ian Watson said: “no wonder the western world has such troubles with heart disease – it is not the animal fat that is the problem, but our soci- ety. Human's have no heart if we treat animals in this way”.
Man dominates life on earth. He is currently in a position to destroy much of it including himself by war, consumption, pollution and cli- mate change. The destroying demon is unlikely to be an individual, but will be the conglomerate of human thoughts and desires, which is our society. We are Gaia's major pathogen. Is this where we need to aim our prescription to achieve the biggest totality for our cow?
This is relevant because, as I detail else- where in this journal , I have been working with
someone who uses
lanthanide remedies in
over 90% of her
human patients with
great results. How can
this be? Maybe it is
because Gaia’s number one pathogen seems to be in a lanthanide state. Lanthanides enable the CDs, computers, mobile phones, World Wide Web and the rest of mankind's modern society to function. The autonomy they repre- sent powers the revolutions taking place right now. They are the remedies of self – selfish/selfless.
Hence homeopathy may be easier than we thought. Maybe the best prescriptions don't lie randomly among all the substances of the uni- verse as suggested by the sensation method. Maybe there is a pattern we have so far failed to utilise. The pattern laid down by the periodic table, which makes all we can see.
Of course my lanthanide colleague may be attracting only lanthanide patients – remember there are at least three energies in our consult- ing room – the patient, the remedy and the homeopath. Vets can add the owner's energy to the equation. However, if we attract certain patients to ourselves that simply enforces the concept of a bigger pattern.
A sobering thought: If the state of human society and the earth is the biggest totality, then we will be living in interesting times indeed, and making some fascinating prescriptions. Personally I feel we are leaving the lanthanide age. We have reached critical mass. The chain reaction of global warming has got to the point of no return. The financial systems are implod- ing. The Middle East is disintegrating. The cap- italist West is in melt down. Fukushima has pumped out more radioactivity into the sea than a hundred Hiroshimas. We have for 50 years been dipping our toes into radioactive energy, and its influence is beginning to dominate the earth. This is long foretold in the most ancient myths of mankind. The proving of Plutonium has within it all the story of Hades and the Underworld. We are reaching our Nemesis.
However, it does not have to be all gloom and destruction. While radioactivity has the power to destroy us, it also has great power to heal. These remedies demonstrate an overrid- ing love for Gaia and all her inhabitants. They have a desire to do great things for mankind. Intuition and awareness are the positive polarity of radioactive remedies. This is the time – this is our time.
   The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) was formed in 1981, to advance the understanding, knowl- edge and practice of homeopathy. It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopa- thy and to encourage and to provide for the
training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy.
It is an open forum for differing approaches to the subject of veterinary homeopathy and it’s application, allowing for constructive inter- changes of ideas.
This publication is copyright. No part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. Material published does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BAHVS or the Editor.
The BAHVS does not necessarily endorse products or the companies advertised.
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