Page 7 - Spring 12
P. 7

 Sandy the Cow – Quiz case solution By Edward De Beukelaer, UK
  Response from Wendy Dixon, UK
 Response from Douglas Wilson, Australia
 Response from Geoff Johnson, UK
I put in my software a number of rubrics for ideas of possible remedies:
• Female, abortion
• Female, leucorrhoea, yellow
• Female, pain bearing down (for uterus hang- ing so low over the pelvic rim)
• Female, prolapsus, vagina (for this very soft hanging vulva)
I created a group out of these two because they both related to the hanging off appearance of the reproductive apparatus in this case.
• Head, hair, complaints
• Cough, exertion agg
I used these two symptoms that belonged to the group because she appeared to be the most
Aletris Farinosa
general convalescence – ailments from, abor- tion after:
• Female genital/ sex – heaviness, uterus
• Femalegential/sex–uterus:comptaintsof–
accompanied by – cough
• Female gential/sex – Leukorrhoea – abor-
tion, with history of:
• Female genital/sex – relaxation
• Mind – Company – aversion to:
• Mind – confidence – want of self-confidence
Sepia comes up first not surprisingly but the unusual remedy (knowing Edward) would be number 8 Aletris Farinosa, Star Grass. which has a strong feeling of being ‘relaxed’ and tired’, heavy uterus and abortion tendencies. Don’t know much else about it. I’m sure I will be proved wrong on this one though!
Aletetris farinosa
The cow is alert, has all the uterine symptoms: flabby, swollen etc, and has yellow leucorrhoea. It also has a really heavy head and hangs it backwards (in people) – downwards in cattle?
suffering with it.
• Mind, reserved
• Mind, company, desire friend
In Radar this repertorisation produces the fol- lowing group of remedies out of which she will take one.
(6) bell, chin, dulc, lach, lyc, merc, nux-v, sulph, (5) ars, cocc, con, ign, kali-c, nat-c, nat-m, nit- ac, phos, plb, puls, sep, sil, spong, sul-ac, thuj, verat
I used Natrum mur for the following reason: Her dependence on somebody apparently stronger that her (big cow) although who is really also standing in the back of the group and probably cannot really provide protection. This
And the remedy belongs to the lily family, I think. Hence the feeling of pushed out (last to parlour), which can be compensated by holding on – always with the big cow?
Might be worth a shot. Of course we know the remedy Ed gave worked – but would anoth- er one work as well, better, slightly, not at all? Who knows?
This is based on repertorisation (Radar 9.0)
• Mind; TIMIDITY (163)
• Mind; SADNESS; gloomy (87)
• Head; HAIR; bristling (48)
• Head; HEAVINESS (339)
• Female Genitalia/Sex; ABORTION (136)
• Female Genitalia/Sex; LEUKORRHEA;
cream-like (17)
is a dependence which is not really helpful. Is that the way she can valorise herself by being dependant on somebody who will not overpow- er her: can such dependence prevent her from disappearing in the relationship? Salt will give its taste to our food only once it is dissolved in water; when it is dissolved in water the sodium and the chlorine are not in relationship any- more; they are separated. But the salt in crystal form will preserve.
Natrum mur realises that he/she will either disappear in the union or find himself/herself alone as soon as normal life exchanges take place: emotions, eating, eliminating. Everybody around will be aware of this which causes the sadness of this remedy. To overcome this prob- lem the patients tries to be in a position of being valorised in the relationship where the other offers protection.
She did not resist training but was always worried about people (the animals are very well looked after in this farm); people in a farm rep- resent the cows’ dependence: feeding, housing and milking.
Natrum mur does not know what to do and is sad, there is even little physical reaction which is obvious in this case where the pathology is one of non-reaction.
• Female Genitalia/Sex; PREGNANCY; during; complaints (127)
• Cough; EXERTION; agg (43)
Although the symptoms are limited and with- out many modalities, the remedy is confirmed by reference to materia medica
Female remedy for mild, gentle, yielding dis- position
Timid, irresolute
The abortion symptoms are not specific for Pulsatilla, but the cough that is worse from exercise, and the bristling hair, narrow the choice to Pulsatilla.
Great case ... and a good idea to present quiz cases. Can we have more?

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