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 Ginger, Chilli and Lac Felinum –
An owner’s account of the wonders of homeopathy by Liesbeth Ellinger, Holland
 I dare to say that our kittens Ginger and Chilli live thanks to Lac Felinum.
Ginger, Chilli and their little sister Stripes were born, probably, on 15 September 2012. We found them on September 16th, in the gutter underneath a building on the campus, where we live and work in Beira, Mozambique. Our three dogs spotted them there. Only at second glance we recognised them as new- born kittens, with their umbilical cords still attached. Their mother was nowhere to be seen. We deduced, she must have given birth on the roof of the building, under a leafy mango tree and her offspring must have slid down, fallen onto the ground.
We left the kittens, where they were, to give the mother a chance to pick up her babies. After 12 hours, when it started to rain, we put them in a box at the same place. The next morning two out of three were still in the box. We guessed that, if they wouldn’t get some milk soon, they’d die.
Thus entered into our lives Ginger and Stripes. We fed them with the only thing available: diluted fresh farm milk in a syringe with a bicycle tube as a nipple. They took it. That same night my partner, on his walk with the doggies, had found missing kitten number three. He heard Chilli meowing under a tree not far from the place, we first encountered them. With this, a period of intense care for our extended ‘zoo’ had begun. We knew that we could not offer the kittens the right milk to replace the mother’s nutrients. Mozambique
has very poor veterinary back-up services, let alone a well-stocked pet store.
After two days we noticed Stripes, the only female, getting weaker and developing breathing difficulties. She worsened over the next two days and eventually died. Knowing how contagious and deadly cats diseases could be, I contacted by e-mail our veterinary doctor in The Netherlands, Liesbeth Ellinger. As Chilli too was getting affected by infected eyes, mucus in his nose and growing weaker, I requested for the medicine to be rushed to Mozambique by DHL. After a few days I could give Chilli his first dose of Lac Felinum MK. It was amazing how positively and quickly he reacted to it: within 10 minutes he was playing, running and eating again!
Ever since, we have given both the kittens
Lac Felinum whenever necessary. When they refused to eat for a day, when they sneezed too much, when their eyes were getting infected, Lac Felinum was given and within minutes they would be back to their normal selves. Once when Chilli had fallen down and banged his head against a pole, he seemed in shock. Lac Felinum made him recover swiftly. When at six months, we had them neutered by a visiting vet friend, we administered Lac Felinum just before the operation. Half an hour after the procedure, though still a bit groggy, they were playing again.
We are convinced that it is Lac Felinum that has brought Ginger and Chilli to, where they are today at the age of seven months – in spite of having missed out on many of the nutrients they needed to grow up on. Strong, lively, curious, naughty, lovely and above all, healthy young cats.
Two cases of omphalophlebitis by Jacques Millimann, France
Case No 1
Some years ago a friend of mine, cow-breeder working without pesticides and such stuff, had a few days old calf that showed a thick and inflamed navel. The clinical diagnosis is easy: this means an abscess of the umbilical cord.
In many published books, especially those distributed by laboratories, you can read : Abscess = Hepar sulfuris in low potencies opens the abscess and lets the pus flow, in high potencies it resorbs the suppuration.
Therefore the farmer gave Hepar sulfuris 5 CH, 2 granules. Half an hour later, hearing a noise, my friend came into the stable. The remedy had worked wonderfully. The abscess had opened and the poor calf was crying and trampling on his own bowels! Wonderful “success” from a homeopathic medicine.
Case No 2
Another organic farmer gets the same pathology in a calf. He reads the same documentation, thinks about Hepar sulfuris but asks me before giving the remedy.
The calf has 39oC temperature, he looks lively. The belly is subtle. When someone touches the hard, hot and swollen umbilical cord, the calf starts lamenting.
In Kent’s repertory translated by E. Broussalian, you can find
Chapter Abdomen: Inflammation
In General : Kali-n (only remedy) Nurslings: Calc (only remedy)
Prescription by phone
Survey of temperature and subtleness of the belly
Two days later, the umbilical cord is subtler. A hard crust has fallen off and the pus begins flowing.
Five days later, the calf is lively and plays. Temperature, appetite and navel are normal. The calf healed quicker than with antibiotics without any side effects.
Explanation of the Calc . Prescription (symptoms of the nidicolous animals):
The nursling’s life is poor and consists in eating, sleeping and taking himself off.
Compare with the Oyster, whose shell gives us the remedy.
Before prescribing one should always think a little while and beware of routine prescription.

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