Page 7 - Spring 15
P. 7

 A case from Russian exam by Elena Shestakova
BILBAO, ARAB MARE, 7 years old, in endurance training.
MAIN COMPLAINT: For 2 years the horse has had diarrhea during motion in competitions (races) – the longer the distance the more frequent and the more liquid stool the horse has. There has been no diagnosis made, as the blood tests results were within normal range; the ultrasonic investigation did not reveal anything abnormal.
For some period the horse was treated with allopathic drugs (like RANITIDINE) without any effect. There is an interesting aspect about the horse: she cannot train alone and she cannot be on the pasture alone in open spaces. The horse must be with other horses. When the moment of the start in the races approaches, the horse becomes overexcited and she even trembles with excitement.
About the diarrhea: if the horse is in the stable or if she is grazing in the pasture, the stool is absolutely normal. The moment the horse starts training for races – the stool gets more and more liquid and more frequent. This symptom becomes very prominent during races for long distances. The impression is that the horse experiences some excitement before the start of the race (later in the repertorisation we used the symptom: RECTUM – Diarrhoea – Excitement aggr, Theatre, as before). The horse is very impulsive, constantly scratching the tail. The horse tolerates the rug easily; she doesn’t mind bandaging of the extremities and does not try to tear them off. No other peculiar characteristics or modalities.
REPERTORISATION with the help of the RADAR PROGRAM (see below).
After the repertorisation the following remedies came up: Arg-nit, Puls, Phos, Ars, Acon, Ign, Verat.
Arg-nit covers 8 symptoms out of 11. The patient has many important mental-emotional characteristics and key symptoms of this remedy (the horse is impulsive, trembling during the mental-emotional excitement; diarrhoea during mental excitement, especially
when performing in front of the audience; fear of open spaces).
Puls covers 8 symptoms out of 11 – the mental-emotional characteristics of the patient do not correspond to this remedy.
Phos covers 8 symptoms out of 11 – there is a certain correspondence of some characteristics (mental-emotional characteristics among them) but there is little interconnection between the diarrhoea and the emotional excitement.
Ars covers 6 symptoms out of 11 – lack of key symptoms of the remedy.
Acon covers 6 symptoms out of 11 – only 1 key symptom of the remedy – fear of open spaces. Ign covers 5 symptoms out of 11 – no peculiar symptoms and key symptoms of this remedy. Thus, the horse was prescribed Arg-nit 30C once daily. This potency was chosen, as the horse had been treated allopathically not long before this prescription and we worried about possible reactions.
In total, the horse had been given the remedy for 1 month, while she continued training. The horse put on some weight during this period. Her coat became glossier. When the horse ridden in short-distance races the diarrhoea was insignificant. The horse was being observed for 3 more months to see, how it could manage longer distances. During this period the horse did not finish a long distance competition because of a trauma to an extremity. Later, in another competition, the horse managed the whole distance.
10.10.2012 – the rider reported that the horse performed much better during the races. Only in the last short lap the horse had very URGENT diarrhoea (before the treatment the horse would have such diarrhoea already after one third of the distance.
Arg-nit 200 C was prescribed – 1 dose daily 3 days running.
It was planned that the horse would have a period of rest after that. Besides, there were no plans for long-distance races till springtime. We decided that it was good for the horse.
15.04.2013 – the overall state of the horse was good. It looked much better than before.
The horse put on weight. She participated in 2 short-distance races and in 1 longer distance race.
These races demonstrated the following:
• The horse was less excited before the start of the races; it managed to cover a longer distance before it became over-anxious and excited.
• During the short-distance races there was practically no diarrhoea; during the long- distance race there was only a slight diarrhoea, practically at the end of the distance.
• As the diarrhoea became considerably less, the horse was in a much better state after the competition. She could recover faster after the races and could participate in more races.
Our decision was to continue to follow the horse during the whole competition season in order to make a decision, whether to repeat the remedy or not. Unfortunately the owners took the horse to a far-away training ground and we did not get any update from them regarding the condition of the horse.
20.08.2013 – a new report from the owners: as the horse’s state became better, she went in more intensive training and took part in more long-distance races. Certain relapses of the symptoms were observed: the horse again became more excited before the start and the diarrhoea during the race again became stronger.
Aeg-nit 1M 1 dose daily 3 days running was prescribed. It was also recommended not to sign the horse up for races for at least 1-2 months.
17.04.2014 – the horse’s state is good. She is active and impulsive and can stay alone in open spaces during training. Trembling before the start occurs very seldom. The horse may become slightly nervous before the start and she may have 1-2 slightly liquid stools before the start but there are no liquid stool during the race. It was decided to make no prescription.

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