Page 14 - Spring 24
P. 14

 continued from p11 continued from p11
- Early childhood stage (1 to 3 years)
- Preschool or play stage (3 to 5 years) - School age stage (6 to 12 years)
- Adolescent stage
- Young adult stage
- Mature adult stage
- Elderly stage (old age)
The following chart shows an approximate adaptation of human ages with respect to canines.
These stages help differentiate the orders belonging to the same subclass according to their degree of development.
The themes within each subclass are mostly the same, but how an individual approaches these issues depends on their psychosocial developmental stage. These stages provide information about the coping skills that the individual has access to and can employ at each stage within any individual subclass.
First Column Subclass Magnoliidae Pre  separation
The first column (Subclass) contains the most primordial and ancient (primitive) plants of the Dicotyledons in terms of botanical evolutionary development. They are generally considered a relic of even more primeval plants, from which more advanced plants arose. Some of the Families are so primitive that they are thought to be a transitional group between the Dicots and the Monocots. The flowers of the Magnoliidae display archaic structures, with an unstable, often large number of petals, stamens and ovaries, along with primitive fruit structures and ancient water-conducting systems in the stems.
The main themes of the column reflect the primordial, immature and naive state of the Ego and its struggle to separate from the oneness. Although every Order has its own attributes (based on the evolutionary timeline and maturity along the column), the following themes persist throughout the column.

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