Page 9 - Autumn 17
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BAHVS Conference, Leeds 13th–15th October 2017
Report by Sara Fox Chapman
The annual BAHVS Congress is the high point of the year for many homeopathic vets, self included! Sue Armstrong and the committee did a marvellous job organising the speakers, venue, food, and entertainment; many thanks to all for such a successful Congress.
We started at 10 on Friday 13 October with the AGM. Secretary Stuart Marston will undoubtedly circulate complete minutes, but there are a few items which may be of particular inter- est.
The website: will be of interest to many homeopathic vets, as it raises awareness of the evi- dence basis – or lack thereof – of veteri- nary practices. Please go take a look and see what you think!
There will be interim one day meet- ings of the BAHVS at the Faculty. We use the premises free of charge, but if we cancel late, then we are charged, so sign up early to come. The dates are 2 Dec 17 and 3 Mar 18. The speaker at the March date will probably by Liz Thompson. Our new Prez, Chris Day,
also proposes to give tutorials in various locations around the country to promote homeopathy.
There is great news from our Treasurer, Wendy McGrandles: The BAHVS is rich(ish)! Due to careful plan- ning, and excellent sponsorship we have £20,000 in the bank. Woot! Some of this is helping to fund Geoff’s osteosarcoma research, matched by a contribution from SHRET, the Scottish Homeopathic Research and Education Trust. SHRET wants to fund home- opaths to do good things, particularly research (including international
research), but also education and con- ference attendance, so it could behove you to contact them for details:
In news from the Faculty of Homeopathy via our Veterinary Dean, Peter Gregory, they are trying to increase vet representa- tion on the Council, with the possible addition of a members rep.
Geoff Johnson is organising the 2018 BAHVS Congress from 11 – 14 October, which will be held jointly with the Faculty of Homeopathy; one-quarter of the presentations will be veterinary. The venue is the Crown Plaza Hotel in the Liverpool docks.
The 2019 Congress will be in Stirling, Scotland, on the university campus. To allow economical univer- sity lodging, and increase the likelihood of warm weather, the proposed date is 14 – 16 June.
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