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  Greetings everyone, and happy Spring and happy Autumn, two magical times of year, in one case bringing more light and in the other case bringing that nice warm light as the sun slips lower on the horizon.
In my first newsletter as the new IAVH president, I'd like to thank those who have given me the chance to guide the organization through a transition, also out of a winter of sorts, the pandemic in all of its aspects, which stressed everyone out no matter through which lens we saw the events unfold. And of course the world is still at war, with the everyday people suffering as always. And in the USA, shootings every day. The world is a bit insane now.
If it is impossible for you to go on
as you were before, you must go
on as you never have
I read a nice quote yesterday by Cheryl Strayed, which says, "If it is impossible for you to go on as you were before, you must go on as you never have."
It feels a bit like this is where we are, the whole world from microcosm to macrocosm. We in homeopathy also have work to do, as always attempting to heal such ill patients while we also stand for our right, and our patients' and clients' rights to use the medicine of our choice.
I hope to support these goals on all levels. We are a multicultural organization and also one with many interests among our members, each one having an idea of how to promote this work. I have a great team, with four young colleagues stepping up. Our former president Ilze Pētersone (Latvia) returning, in this case as Vice- President, and Mirjam Blatnik (Slovenia) returning as
treasurer. We also have two new officers, Beatrice Milleder (Germany) as Secretary, and Banu Kantarcioglu (Turkey) as Vice-Secretary.
We’ve had our first in-person officers meeting and we have a lot to do. We want to work on making online education more available, and Stefan Kohlrausch is also working hard on this. We'd like to encourage everyone to participate in our Materia Medica work, with cases if not remedy pictures, so Edward de Beukelaer is not always going solo. And of course, we want to support Malene Jørgensen and the BAHVS/IAVH magazine and encourage more readership. We also plan to aid others in their goals, whether it be for research or political action or any other way to promote homeopathic medicine. We want to be a team for everyone in the IAVH.
We are also reorganizing the IAVH office, as Sam Finlay has realized she does not have the time to give the job the attention it requires.
This is a work in progress, but we have someone to step in and take over Sam's duties and we
are already making good headway.
With Banu's great organizational work, the IAVH had a successful congress in association with LMHI, in Istanbul last November. The veterinary section had a good turnout, and the whole congress was also well attended. Everyone was relieved again to meet in person.
With David Bettio's help, the IAVH has an upcoming congress in Parma, Italy, the weekend of April
1st and 2nd of this year, and David and the Italian Organization (SIOV) have lined up some good speakers. This may have already occurred by the time you read this, but hopefully this is a success as we continue to move into more in-person meetings when possible. We are also already planning our AGM location for next year, although we have yet to finalize a location and date.
In short, we are ‘out the door running’ and hope to revitalize our great organization as we step out of our isolation and back into a more normal mode of living. Please let us know if you have any requests or ideas for moving forward.
Don Hamilton, writing as the leader of our new officer team.
 Don Hamilton
President, IAVH

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