Page 4 - Winter 12/13
P. 4

BAHVS President’s letter (January 2013) by Mark Elliott
  Wishing all a Merry, Happy and Healthy 2013 my usual Presidential note is, I’m afraid, actually going to be more of an urgent update to all.
Firstly, I have to inform you that the committee had to
make the very difficult decision to postpone the confer-
ence in Ireland, in part due to the proximity of other inter-
national conferences, such that we could not be certain of
international delegates but also as the associations cof-
fers are at an all time low after the PR campaign and years
of gradual loss. Our thanks go to Honey’s Real Dog
Food, for the work, they had already put into this, which will not be wast- ed, as the plan under discussion is to combine a future event with the IAVH and make the whole thing even more amazing when it happens. However, do not despair, as there WILL be a conference in 2013. Stuart Marston and myself are bringing forward the original plans for 2014.
This has meant a DATE CHANGE to the weekend of the 21-23 June 2013 and the venue will now be at the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust in Arundel, West Sussex, UK. This is easily accessed by road or rail and there is a direct line from Gatwick Airport to Arundel station.
The Friday will as ever incorporate the AGM. The committee will be getting up early to meet and we will get through this by coffee time. We can then have some lectures before lunch and in the afternoon Jonathan Hardy is going to speak to us on animal themes. Friday evening we plan to take over a local pub or similar to meet and eat as people wish.
Saturday is going to be our planned Open Day, inviting the profes- sion to come along and find out about homeopathy, the evidence base and how to integrate it into prac-
tice. For the bits that are perhaps less of interest for those already converted, Geoff Johnson is going to run some parallel sessions on Sankaran themes through the day. We have our first guest already as the RCVS president, Jacqui Molyneaux, has accepted my invitation to join us. The evening on Saturday will be a members event mostly with dinner/dance at the venue.
Sunday will be a full day of our home-grown speakers and the idea is to give a chance to those, who don’t often (or never have) present cases, sparks and ideas.
As this will be a very inexpensive conference to attend (3 days of CPD including Saturday dinner for £150), I hope we can get as many as possible to come along.
As discussed at Eastbourne, we are moving to the more now com- mon format of self-sourcing of food and accommodation, so book your B&B/Campsite etc. early, as the area tends to be a popular tourist loca- tion. Details of local options will be put on the BAHVS website shortly. For lunches there are loads of tearooms, café’s etc. in Arundel, a café on site, or you can walk around the lakes and picnic.
Other news is that our research database is coming along well and many thanks to Ilse Pedler for a very generous donation to support that work and to Nick Thompson for the use of some staff time. Check out as the more hits we get now, the more it will get out there. The work has already helped colleagues in the US and NZ to defend homeopathy in the veterinary sphere and Shelley Epstein will be telling us more about how, when we see her at the conference.
See you in June.
                               Views of the Arundel venue
     Maybe this is pure nonsense... by Stefan Kohlrausch, Germany
Cries alone (Nat-m.)
• nobody believes that it helps – people think we have gone mad (Palladium)
• it is a complex science – can’t be learned in a few weekend courses (Helleborus)
• homeopaths have soooo different opinions! (Hamamelis)
• every day new remedies are born some- where in the world and we already have some 10.000 – how could we find the one
andonlyforeachpatient? (Carcinosin)
• when we have enough experience, it is time
to retire – so don’t start it! (Aur-carb)
If you have the same thoughts more than once a year, you should continue reading.
Don’t worry be happy (Heroinum), because this is what everybody feels (if he isn`t Platina or Lycopodium).
There are many ways to practice homeopathy, I try to use the one, which is most simple for me,
For the individual patient it doesn’t matter, what remedy he [or she] is cured with. My experience was that on average, the polycrest cases are more often more frustrating than cases prescribed rare remedies. I cannot find a logical reason why Pulsatilla, Sulphur or Lachesis should be the best choice in more CHRONIC CASES than Symphytum.
Everything can be the Similimum! (Xenon).

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