Page 5 - Spring 17
P. 5

 Pathophysiologically, the reason for development of a laminitis is often an ischaemia. Such reduced blood circulation is the result amongst other things of stress or shock [1].
Repertorisation [2] of cold-blooded horse Pepe on July 15, 2016
Now I decided for Phosphorus. Corresponding to Vithoulkas Expert Analysis Phosphorus had the best likelihood ratio of 163 points (with a safety of 97 points).
The causal incident to the problem happened a long time ago and the horse seemed to make a stable impression, so I administered Phosphorus C 200 once on July 15, 2016 – with a very bad primary reaction.
euthanize him. But on the next day Pepe got up on his own and four days later the owner called me and said: “It is a miracle”. Pepe moves without any encouragement and after getting special shoeing he returned to the herd.
Unfortunate the sheep didn’t come back. They had been sold. But Pepe seemingly had absorbed the shock – seemingly!
I recieved a phone call on November 7, 2016 from the owner:
“Pepe is doing well, he jumps in the paddock and today he gets new shoeing because the old ones have been too narrow. Again Pepe ‘cries’, when the other horses leave home, because there are too few riders to also ride him and he is not allowed to come along.”
Phone call on November 30, 2016 from the owner:
“Three days earlier Pepe had a bad relapse. He stands like a see-saw and doesn’t eat.”
To avoid the same bad reaction as the first time, Pepe was administered phosphorus LM I, twice daily for five days and additional Ginkgo Biloba D6, three times daily.
Email on December 5, 2016
Pepe had recovered visibly during the last three days, he didn’t loose weight any more, he looked a lot better and he walked easier.
Furthermore Phosphorus LM VI, once daily for ten days and then Phos LM XII once a day and every third day for one month.
Email on December 9, 2016
Pepe is pretty well and he walks satisfactorily. Since the day before yesterday his legs had been swollen... but today they are dry again.
[1] Dr. med. vet. Uta Blaich - Redakteurin für den Bereich Pferde
[2] Radar 10.5
                Hierarchisation: see degree of intensity
Similar rubrics or rubrics in the same direction have been grouped: see identical letter behind the degree of intensity
One day after drug administration Pepe didn’t stand up and stretched his legs up in the air to avoid every touch. The same happened on the next day and the owner wanted to
                   Evaluation of analysis
Looking back, the perspiration during effort has not been a symptom of cardiac or pulmonal strain before the outbreak of laminitis, but it was the expression of pain after the first attack of laminitis. So I didn’t use the rubric “PERSPIRATION – EXERTION – agg. – slight exertion”, instead I used “Perspiration – Pain – from”
Graphites might have been an alternative remedy because of dermatomycosis and complaints from grief. Furthermore, the very strong frame and his very strong skeleton are important points for Graphites. But he doesn’t have a single gram of fat on his body only a lot of muscle. Furthermore his behaviour and his character (see above) is more a likeable and sympathetical Thoroughbred horse with much energy, much herd instinct and a great empathy for other animals.
Pepe in the paddock again and in correct position, August 14, 2016

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