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The Stramonium cat by Ferenc Szecsődi, Serbia
 The Stramonium belongs to the acute miasms according to Dr Sankaran’s classification.
The Stramonium cat
The Stramonium cat likes safety, and this characteristic comes from the sensation. According to this, the outside world is full of
anywhere, for example under the bed, behind the refrigerator, or behind the desk drawers. It is difficult to remove the cat from its hiding place, because it hangs onto something very tightly there. The third form of active reactions is, when the cat reacts to the sensation of terror with violent rage, hissing, clawing, or biting. The assault is always preceded by a warning hiss.
  In the last two years I had four cases, in which cats responded well to the Stramonium homeopathic remedy. Two cats had behaviour problems. They licked themselves constantly, which inflicted wounds on the skin. The wounds did not respond to classical antibiotic and corticosteroid therapy. The third cat got a new companion, another cat. From that time, its behaviour changed. It hid in the presence of the new cat and sometimes it became aggressive towards the new cat and towards the owner too.
The fourth cat was in a traffic accident, and sank into an acute phase of Stramoinum. After seven days of Stramonium 10M therapy the cat reverted back to its regular state.
I studied all four cases, and made a summary. Below is my article about the Stramonium cat.
Sensation based Materia Medica
Stramonium is a herb belonging to the Solanaceae plant family and is the basis for the homeopathic medicine. The main characteristics of herb-based homeopathic medicines are sensitivity and reactivity to external stimuli. This holds for the Solanaceae family to a greater extent.
The typical sensations of this family of plants include aggressiveness, violent terror, the feeling of being pursued, murder, life and death, “killed,” throbbing, clamping, and choking feelings, etc.
The passive reactions to the sensations are numbness, daze, insensitivity to stimuli, cowardice, weakness, faintness, and unconsciousness.
As opposed to passive reactions, the active reactions to the sensations include sharpened senses, screaming, cramps, fleeing, panic, rage, striking, biting, etc.
danger and terror that can reach the cat at any moment. We can say that the Stramonium cat likes to hide in safe places. It feels good in its nook, a covered basket, or a simple cardboard box. It likes being on top of a closet, or if it is open, even inside. Another favourite place of the cat is the top of the kitchen cabinets. But it also likes to be with its owner. It enjoys being on its owner’s lap or lying beside them. Sometimes, this need to be close to its owner is so strong that if they put it down, it just jumps back up, or if the owner leaves, the cat waits for them patiently and then returns to their lap. This pattern is a subtle “clinging.” One of the key symptoms of Stramonium is clinging to people or objects. This clinging can also be considered a subtle escaping to a safe place. Fleeing is the active reaction of the Solanaceae family. The clinging is extremely prominent, when the cat experiences an “emergency” situation. When this happens, the cat is in a delirious state; its pupils are dilated, and it holds on tightly to its owner and cannot be put down, because it digs its claws into the owner’s clothes. However, if the owner grips the cat tightly, it calms down and soon becomes “normal” again.
If there are more cats in the house, it gets along with them but only just. It rarely participates in their activities, and is constantly anxious. The only place it feels fine is near its owner, on their lap, or in its usual safe place. If a new cat comes to the community, the Stramonium cat feels pursued and terrorised (sensation). The mildest reaction is going to the owner wanting to sit in their lap and be petted (active reaction - subtle fleeing). Visible escaping is a stronger active reaction, in which case the cat flees in panic and tries to hide not only in its box or on top of the closet but
This last form of reaction is relatively rare. Also, the cat can hide from danger only symbolically, in which case it literally turns its back to the danger and does not look at it.
The Stramonium cat’s condition is significantly worsens in the evening, at night, when it is dark. The cat is a very light sleeper due to its increased sensitivity to noise, and it is in a constant state of alertness. At night, it wanders around the room slowly and stealthily; occasionally it stops to mew desperately. It is in a delirious state and feels completely lost. At any sudden noise, it stops, starts shuddering, does not know where it is and what it should do, in other words, it is a giant confusion. The key is the owner’s voice, because the cat will go to its owner and relax, the minute they start calling for it. Another evening script entails a delirious cat with dilated pupils approaching its owner and scratching or biting them (active reaction). The cat is not aware of the strength of its scratches and bites.
The Stramonium cat eats alone, slowly, carefully, and very little at once, because it is particular about its food. Milk causes indigestion.
The Stramonium cat most often needs to be taken to the vet because of extreme fear and anxiety. This anxiety manifests physically in compulsive actions: the cat is constantly licking or gnawing itself. In mild cases, it can lead to bald patches in its fur, which often leads to oozing eczema. In cases like this, regular treatment is ineffective as a long-term solution, however the cat can make a full recovery with the aid of homeopathy.
continued on p8

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