Page 11 - Summer 14
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 (in particular the recurrent laryngeal nerve and the vascular structures- haemorrhage can be very severe). In addition, complete excision is unlikely to be achievable, so recurrence rates would be consequently very high.
Alternative or additional conventional approaches include radiotherapy (EBRT or External Beam Radiotherapy); radio-active Iodine therapy; and systemic chemotherapy. The first choice chemotherapy of the author of the chapter in Kirk (Suzanne Murphy of Kentford, Suffolk) is carboplatin therapy. She advises counselling the owners to expect at best partial remission of a few months, although “the author has seen a dog survive for over a year”.
Homeopathic treatment of thyroid carcinoma
The “Ramakrishnan approach” is outlined in some detail in the wonderful work “The
Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer” by Dr A.U.Ramakrishnan and Catherine R. Coulter, so will not be explained in any great depth in this article. Suffice to say that the approach involves regular repeats of the remedies, alternating between a cancer nosode (usually Carcinosin for soft masses, and Scirrhinum for firm masses) and an organ or tumour specific rem- edy. These remedies are alternated weekly, each being dosed every 15 minutes over a two and a half hour period 10x daily, after gentle plussing of the remedy before each dose.
I was lucky enough to see Dr Ramakrishnan give a one day masterclass at the HPTG in Oxford many years ago, and the vast numbers of patients he sees in a day, and the results he claims to have achieved, are nothing short of remarkable. His treatment has evolved from simple dosing of the centesimal remedy (usu- ally 200c) as a split dose once weekly, to the regular repeats he advocates in the book. Like many such progressions (such as Hahnemann’s initial experiments into trituration and succes- sion, and his later venturing into the LM poten- cies) the change was no doubt a result of some instinctive inspiration, and there is no great elaboration as to how he ended up with the method. When asked during the seminar how he eventually came to the frequency of repeti- tion; method of plussing; choice of starting potency etc., the answer inevitably came back
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