Page 3 - Spring 13
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Welcome to the Spring issue of the mag. We hope you find many articles of interest
in this pre-‘Animal Energy’ edition.
According to IAVH figures there are now 565 international members offering great potential for new subscribers to the mag. Please keep your articles coming in and remember we’ll be hoping to encourage some of you at the BVAHVS conference in June to add your name to the lists of con- tributors for future editions.
Thanks to all those who sent material for
this issue – we appreciate it.
Committee – BAHVS President – Mark Elliott
Senior Vice-President – Sue Armstrong
Junior Vice-President – Jane Keogh
Hon. Secretary – Stuart Marston
Treasurer – Wendy McGrandles
Magazine Editor – Malene Jørgensen
Communications Officer – Nick Thompson
IAVH Representitive – Peter Gregory
Faculty Veterinary Representitive
John Saxton
Mag distribution – Cheryl Sears
Committee – IAVH President – Peter Gregory
Treasurer – Don Hamilton
General Secretary – Helene Widmann
Coordinator subcommittee for education:
Stefan Kohlrausch
Head of IAVH Office – Markus Mayer
Newsletter subcommittee
Malene Jørgensen
IAVH Communications Officer
Nick Thompson
LIGA contact – Marc Bär
The winds shift, and they shift in the direction of a better country and a better world.
Or: “As the Buddha said, the entire world can
be seen in a speck of dust”?
Guest Editorial by Don Hamilton, USA
2012 has come and gone and we are still here. The world has not ended, but are we seeing changes? Not revolution, perhaps, but while the times are intense and people worldwide strug- gle emotionally and economically, I feel there are signs of favorable winds. Could a new world really await us around the corner?
Here in the US, we begin to see an increase in pressure against homeopathy, as has been happening in the UK for some time. The American Veterinary Medical Association recently brought a resolution to vote, essentially stating that homeopathy does not work and cannot be used. However, the resolution did not pass; the committee tabled it due to wide- spread—or at least vocal—opposition. The Quackbusters (Quack-quacks I say) do not yet rule the day. Is this a change in the wind?
Here in the “Home of the Brave,” we are emo- tionally worn down and torn apart by our coun- try’s war machine and the general corporatism. Yet the American people, it seems, mostly do not want these wars and the mismanagement of our country. Approval ratings for our con- gress are at or near all time lows. We know our system is broken, but we do not yet know how to repair the damage. Still, the winds shift, and they shift in the direction of a better country and a better world.
What has this to do with the state of homeopa- thy? As the Buddha said, the entire world can be seen in a speck of dust. Those who despoil our earth, make war, and rail against homeop- athy represent essentially the same interests.
Yet, as powerful as they are, the earth survives, Afghani people stand with pride against war, and homeopathy still relieves suffering. We even have a homeopathic medical school in Arizona, the first in a century.
Studs Terkel said that he had ultimate faith in the American people. I think we can extend this to humanity across the globe. We will turn this around. It just takes time. So when the Quack- quackers attack, take a breath, smile, and turn aside, letting their winds blow past you. When these winds meet the growing gale force of change (which is admittedly in its infancy), all will become one and the momentum for change will grow.
What can we homeopaths do when they Quack? Nothing. Just practice homeopathy. We know it works. We help people and animals all the time; we see the results. No matter what the pundits say, the truth will come out. Indeed, the Quack-quacks may even be operating as a homeopathic remedy. When we administer a remedy, the medicinal disease causes a reac- tion; it is this reaction, rather than the medicinal disease, which heals.
I suggest we see this push against homeopathy as merely a homeopathic remedy, a medicinal disease, and yes, there are signs of aggravation just now. But when the reaction occurs and the cure happens, this will obliterate the efforts to stop homeopathic medicine. As Martin Luther King said, “The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice.”
The British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS) was formed in 1981, to advance the understanding, knowl- edge and practice of homeopathy. It aims to stimulate professional awareness of homeopa- thy and to encourage and to provide for the
training of veterinary surgeons in the practice of homeopathy.
It is an open forum for differing approaches to the subject of veterinary homeopathy and it’s application, allowing for constructive inter- changes of ideas.
This publication is copyright. No part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. Material published does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BAHVS or the Editor.
The BAHVS does not necessarily endorse products or the companies advertised.
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