Page 16 - Autumn 18
P. 16

continued from p13
actually examine the evidence base for homeopathy. Sue presented cases safely and effectively treated with homeopathy where con- ventional treatment had failed. Animal welfare must always be the primary
Drysdale was the first homeopathic doctor in 1841, and promoted architecture for health, not just aesthetics, with appropriate light and ventilation Liverpool had a thriving homeopathic hospital until the 1950s, and a homeopathic publishing house. Clarke, Skinner, and Burnett all were important homeopaths in Liverpool. Information about lay homeopath Peter Stuart is available on line at:
John saxton presented Lessons from Practice and Life, illustrated with two cases.
Dolly, a 2.5 yo FS boxer presented with skin (pruritus, dander) and behaviour (possessive aggression) problems following spaying. Differentials for never well since spaying were Lachesis, Sepia, and Staphysagria. As this boxer lunged and attacked when John entered the house, he chose Lachesis (a truly aggressive snake), which resulted in less dander and pruritus, and an improved temperament.
An increase in potency did not result in further improvement, so the associated bowel nosode, Morgan- Gaertner, was given. Now Dolly was less aggressive, not scratching, but more anxious, more greedy, and she wanted to be up on the sofa, chairs, or stairs. These pointed to Lycopodium, which completed the resolution of signs.
Sam was a 5 year old Lab with a history of being grossly
  No curry for Geoff then?
concern in treatment.
Saturday night was the gala black tie dinner at the Museum of Liverpool for many, and a less pricey curry night at Barton Rouge for others. By all accounts, both groups had a lovely time!
Sunday morning started with francis Treuherz, a homeopathic historian, delineating the Highlights of Homeopathy Thriving in Liverpool. Liverpool, be- cause of its mercantile and shipping history, attracted people from all over the world, including some
prominent homeopaths.
Tate Modern, Liverpool

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