Page 23 - Autumn 18
P. 23

Silica individuals often are timid. They usually love the sun, and Frida loves to sunbathe, which is not so common in French bulldogs, who often suffer from heat and sun. And while she likes to play, she also is a very serious dog, very matter-of-fact, and loves her daily routine, even waking up her owners on weekends, because “it is time to get up”, and without demanding food. All these are classical symptoms of Silica.
Other remedies to consider would be Hep-s (which would show with more pain and a patient that would show a lot
less patience, maybe even try to bite us instead of just turning away), maybe Belladonna (which would not love the sun and behave more like Hep-s) or the so called “homeopathic knife” Myristica.
This was a classical acute case. But even in an acute it is important to see the whole case – and to decide between acute remedies. It’s been two months now since treatment and Frida has not been back. I contacted the owner last week and she said that Frida is doing well, no news signs of any kind of swelling.
          Anniversary/Poetry collection
I’m sure none of you need reminding but November 3rd was the anniversary of the RCVS revised position statement on CAM. It’s been a tough year but also heartening in many ways. I feel that we’ve achieved so much in the face of adversity; we’ve attracted a large and active group of supporters who have defended us incredibly passionately, we’ve written letters, had meetings with the RCVS and BVA, written articles for magazines, we’ve protested and demonstrated and we have a new look website and Facebook page. Above all we have carried on and are still providing the homeopathic veterinary care that a significant proportion of the animal owning population want.
To provide a small outlet from the rigors of the campaign, I am proposing to compile a poetry collection with contributions from the cAM4Animals campaigners and us vets. I know there are several of you that write poetry and am relying on you to send me a poem or two and for those that haven’t written a poem before, why not have a go! I think it’ll be a great
way to bring the vets and campaigners to- gether and it can be sold to raise funds.
The collection will have
broad remit and it would
be great to receive poems about animals, or ones about your experiences or thoughts on homeopathy or other CAM, or on the struggles that we’ve been enduring and how you’ve coped with it all. I find writing poetry just a good way of processing my thoughts sometimes.
The poems can be funny, sad, thought provoking or contemplative, the choice is yours.
Over the page is one of mine as (hopefully) inspiration and also a photo of Broccoli, my dog, who was the subject of the poem.
Please e-mail me any contributions to, I’ll keep the submission window open until the end of January. There will also be a prize for the best poem!

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