Page 3 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2014
P. 3
flying helicopters, bombers, or recon missions. As
a whole, we are the DFC Society and while our backgrounds and experiences may be different, even diverse, we members of the DFC Society are all connected by that same red, white and blue ribbon. So the next time you see the book, “On Heroic Wings” know that while your particular experience may not be
Apiece of cloth or, in this case, a snippet
of ribbon. A snippet
of red, white and
blue bands attached to a gold bracket supporting the Dis- tinguished Flying Cross. In appear- ance, the award is the same for all ser- vices but, some of us received it while fly- ing in small jets, some while crew members on big air- planes, others while
included in the current edi- tion, you are inextricably con- nected to those whose stories are in print! I would urge you all to buy a copy, if not for yourself then for your family and friends, as a legacy to all of us that were honored to have served and been award- ed the Distinguished Flying Cross.
Fly Safe! Terry Sullivan Director
Support the DFC Society - VOTE!
maintain an accurate data base of the members when the members themselves for- get to tell the Society of changes!
This year's voting drew to a close on November 30, 2014 (per the Bylaws) and, we had less than 1/5 of the regular, active members respond. Some of that is due to apathy on the part of the members, but a lot of it is because we simply don't have your cor- rect email on file.
Let us know - we need your help so we can improve ser- vice to our members!
Fly Safe!!
ciety nearly $3,000, money that can be used for operat- ing expenses and other DFC Society programs, specifically
the scholar- ship pro- gram.
Therefore, it is very im- portant that
each and every member keep their email address up to date with National Headquarters. Simply send an email to and let them know of changes to your email address AND your snail mail, phone numbers and other contact infor- mation. It is very difficult to
About a year ago the DFC Society sent paper bal- lots out to the membership at a cost of nearly $3,000! In that ballot,
however, were
the updated
Bylaws and the
newly devel-
oped Operat-
ing Procedures. It also con- tained the slate of directors for the board.
One of the major items the membership approved was the use of electronic voting by the membership in order to save time counting the re- sults and save money on post- age and handling. Like I said, mailing of ballots cost the So-
Please send us your latest email address if you didn’t receive an electronic ballot.