Page 3 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2015
P. 3
The Chairman’s Message
There is a saying in business that a huge bene t to the Society through enhanced visi-
‘when opportunity knocks we, should be prepared to exploit and pursue it to its logical conclusion’. Our Dis nguished Flying Cross Socie- ty is poised at the threshold of three such opportuni es that are unique,
and I am calling on our membership to help us pur- sue them. The PCI Membership Directory presents us with a sponsorship opportunity for corporate ad- ver sements within the directory itself. We have seven dedicated pages that can be sold to sponsors in increments of 1/8 page, 1/4 page, 1/2 page, and full page increments. Any money raised from spon- sorships will go directly to support our scholarship program and our member care fund.
The 2016 Conven on presents us with another op- portunity for corporate or individual sponsorships for Gala tables or event hos ng during the conven- on venue. Monies collected from these sources will go directly toward reducing expenses of hos ng the conven on and to the out-of-pocket costs to each of the conven on par cipants.
We con nue to solicit large corporate sponsors for our DFC Documentary project which not only will be
bility to our members’ achievements, but will be a net posi ve value to any sponsor stepping up to the plate. Abraham Lincoln had the problem of ge ng his Field Generals to act in concert with one another and reminded them of the folksy saying: “As we say out West, if a man can't skin, he must hold a leg while somebody else does”.
I am asking our membership to think about their rolodexes, friends, and business associates and. if they don’t feel up to ‘skinning’, pass the contact, sugges on, or personal introduc on along to Pat Owen, Chair, Fundraising Commi ee, at .
The mathema cians tell us that one standard devia- on covers 68% of our membership. If the 16% does nothing, 68% responds by ‘holding that leg’ and the remaining 16% bring in a sponsor, our goals are achieved in spades.
Help your leadership team ‘skin this beast’ and bene t our mem- bership!
Bruce Hu man
“...for heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial flight.”
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Major Aus n W. LaMarche for extraordinary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial
ight on a major incendiary mission against the ur- ban area of Osaka, Japan on 13 March 1945. Major LaMarche was Airplane Commander of a B-29 air- cra based in the Marianas Islands that accom- plished its bomb run at an unprecedented low al - tude to drop its bombs with devasta ng accuracy on a vital Japanese center. Immediately a er bombs were released, his airplane was struck by an - aircra re; simultaneously it entered a huge cloud of turbulent smoke billowing up from great res in the target area. The aircra , with bomb bay doors
s ll open, fell into a steep dive but, despite injury to several crew members and severe structural damage to the aircra , Major LaMarche brought the plane back under control at an al tude of only slightly over 3000 feet and accomplished a safe return to his base. The courageous determina on of Major LaMarche, who has completed more than twenty-one combat missions, and his exemplary performance of duty in a me of stress, re ect great
credit upon himself and the Army Air Forces.
Volume 15, Issue 2 - Summer
Page 3