Page 8 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2012
P. 8

If you missed the convention, my condolences! You missed a great time!
With few exceptions, everything went off as planned and the final awards dinner at the Museum of Flight, Boeing Field, and Seattle was a fitting end. Amid bagpipers, friends and family we honored sixteen members of the DFC Society for their con- tributions during World War II. Jonna Doolittle Hoppes was the guest speaker and the awards ceremony was orchestrated by Chuck Sweeny and Bill Bradfield. Plaques were awarded to a very diverse group that included ball turret and tail gunners from WW II bombers, a Tuskegee Airman, cargo pilots that flew the Hump, navigators that led attacks on Ploesti, fighter aces, the flight engineer from the #15 Doolittle Raider, ground attack pilots and bombardiers, and a number of other crew- men that earned the Distinguished Flying Cross in locations around the world. A very impressive group, humble to a man, deserving of our gratitude. We wished that all of our WW II veterans could have made the trip and to those that were una- ble to attend, our best to all and let's hope we see you at the next convention!
As the convention chairman, I would also like to thank Chuck Sweeny, Bill Bradfield, Dave and Floreen
Clark, Glenn and Steve Jewett, Michael and Bev O'Neil, Robert Brown, David Bentler, Al Major, and Trish Blanton of the Reunion BRAT for their contributions to the overall success of the 2012 Convention - Great Job!!
Terry Sullivan
Please submit all articles via email in MSWord or similar format. If you cannot use a computer or word-processing program ...ask a family mem- ber to help you.
Please volunteer, even if you do not have experience but would like to see your DFC story in print, send me your 500 - 1500 word article that you feel our members would enjoy.
Michael O’Neil, Editor
Summer 2012 Issue Page 8
need help with the “DFCS News” publication. If you have experience in writing articles, please e-mail me with ideas and suggestions.

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