Page 14 - DFCS News Magazine Spring 2013
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Madison Buchert is the granddaughter of Fred A. Hendricks, a WW 11 and Korean War bomber pilot and recipi- ent of the Distinguished Flying Cross. Madison is currently enrolled as a sophomore at the University of Florida where she is majoring in elementary education. Her outstanding high school record includes student body President, Florida Future Educators of America chapter President and State Vice President, and chapter President of the Social Studies Honor Society. She is a member of Kappa Delta Pi, the International Education Honor Society. In her spare time she has volunteered to serve local and National organizations.
Kyle D. Carrera is the grandson of Charles F. Hatfield who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for action in Vietnam. Kyle is a freshman at the University of Dayton studying Engineering. At Bishop Ready high school in Dayton Ohio Kyle lettered for four years and was a captain of the varsity soccer team. He served as a student council member, and was also the yearbook editor. Through his high school years, he maintained a 3.61 GPA. Throughout his high school years Kyle volunteered in many activities including Vacation Bible School team leader and assisting special needs children for the Dublin Ohio City school system.
Jeremy F. Winston is a freshman at California State Polytechnic University studying mechanical engineering. He is the Grandson of Leonard A. Kunz who was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross while serving as a fighter pilot in WW 11. Jeremy was elected Captain of his high school soccer team and is currently a member of the Cal Poly men’s team, NCAA Division 11. In high school he volunteered as a worker preparing, delivering and serving meals to the homeless. He also volunteered with Habitat for Humanity constructing homes for deserving families. This from his bio “I want to make a positive difference for all using sustainable technology
Chelsea Jarvis is a sophomore at the University of Alabama majoring in Political Science and Economics. She is cur- rently on a pre-law track and hopes to attend a top-twenty law school. Her father, Adam A. Jarvis was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for service in Iraq in 2008. In high school Chelsea was Salutatorian of her graduating class of over 130. She was a member of the National Honors Society and the Model United Nations and as a senior served as Presi- dent of both organizations. She was also involved with the Educators of America, the German Club, and the volleyball team and was its President in her senior year.
Your Donations Could Support More Scholarships
We realize that the poor economy affects everyone but if many members would donate even a small amount to the Ward Macauley Scholarship Fund, we could help more de- scendants of DFCS members achieve their dream. There are always many outstanding candidates applying for the few scholarships that are funded each year by your dona- tions. It is always extremely difficult to tell these high achievers that we didn’t receive enough donations to award them a scholarship even though they deserve one. You can be very proud of these applicants as they are the “Cream of the Crop”.
To reward deserving young students who are descendants of DFC recipients and who reflect excellence in leadership, citizenship, and academics
DONORS NAME ________________________
( ) $25 ( ) $50 ( ) $100 ( ) $200 other$____
Please send to: DFCS PO Box 502408
San Diego, CA 92150
Spring 2013 Issue Page 14