Page 9 - DFCS News Magazine Spring 2013
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The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Chief Petty Officer Martin H. Nelson for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight from 31 August to 3 September 2005 during Hurricane Katrina rescue operations. Demonstrating exceptional aeronautical skill and superlative physical stamina, Chief Petty Officer Nelson served as Rescue Swimmer on repeated sorties aboard HH-65 helicopters in a challenging urban disaster environment. On the night of 31 August, Chief Petty Officer Nelson deployed to an unimaginable scene of chaos, where 200 desperate survivors suffering from three days of severe exposure to intense heat, lacking food and water, congre-
gated on the roof of a school, demanding evacuation. Undaunted by the disorder, he quickly took charge and began prioritizing survivors for lift, when suddenly, he was confronted by openly hostile men. With exceptional composure, Chief Petty Officer Nelson asserted his au- thority, establishing himself as their only hope for survival and gaining their compliance. Despite nearby gun shots, visible muzzle flashes from below, and a volatile crowd, Chief Petty Officer Nelson remained on scene until survivors were saved from the perilous conditions. Following this series of fatiguing rescues, Chief Petty Officer Nelson mustered enough energy to deploy from 150 feet to a six foot landing, boxed-in by buildings, jagged debris and powerlines. Recognizing the dangers, he competed three demanding direct deployments, each time protecting the survivors by using his own body as a shield from the potentially deadly hazards. On
2 September, Chief Petty Officer Nelson deployed to assist another rescue swimmer evacuating survi- vors from the top of a slippery dome-shaped structure. This terrifying situation was created after an armed mob raided the building and forced the survivors to the roof. With the gang lurking below, Chief Petty Officer Nelson shuttled 60 survivors along the dome to awaiting aircraft, barely maintaining a foot- hold while fighting against intense rotor wash. His actions, aeronautical skill, and valor were instrumen- tal in rescue of 90 storm victims. His courage, judgment and devotion to duty are most heartily com- mended and are in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Coast Guard.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant (junior grade) Roger S. Van Dyke for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight in combat with the enemy on 26 May 1967 while attached to and serving with Attack Squadron Ninety-three, embarked in USS Hancock (CVA 19). Lieutenant (junior grade) Van Dyke was a Wingman in a flight of A4E aircraft on a major strike against Kep Airfield, North Vietnam. Approaching the target area, Lieutenant (junior grade) Van Dyke sighted three surface-to-air missiles and warned his flight in time for evasive maneuvers. Immediately thereafter, the flight was taken under fire by heavy 85mm anti-
aircraft weapons. Lieutenant (junior grade) Van Dyke’s aircraft was hit three times. He courageously ignored this lethal threat, rolled in and dropped all his bombs on his assigned target. During this bombing run, Lieutenant (junior grade) Van Dyke’s aircraft had a complete hydraulic failure due to hostile damage. He used extreme physical pressure and outstanding airmanship to recover from his dive, flew over 20 miles across enemy territory, returned to his carrier and land- ed aboard without flaps, using only manual controls. Lieutenant (junior grade) Van Dyke’s aggressiveness and courage in the face of heavy enemy opposition, his extraordinary skill and his superb airmanship in the face of grave personal dan- ger were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to First Lieutenant Wolfgang W. E. Samuel for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as Electronic Warfare Observer from 3 January 1963 to 2 April 1963. During this period, while partaking in a program of international significance, Lieuten- ant Samuel successfully met the exceptional operational requirements under the most hazardous and difficult flight condi- tions in an outstanding manner. The professional competence, aerial skill and devotion to duty displayed by Lieutenant Sam- uel reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Wolfgang W.E.Samuel for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an RB-47 Electronic Warfare Officer, 55th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska from 29 March 1967 to 27 June 1967. During this period, while flying from an overseas operating location, he demonstrated outstanding airmanship in the completion of missions flown under hazardous conditions. Despite the hazards involved, he was successful in obtaining electronic data of vital interna- tional significance. The distinctive accomplishments of Captain Samuel reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Captain Wolfgang W.E.Samuel for extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as an Electronic Warfare Officer for the 41st Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron, Takhli Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, from 18 November 1968 to 20 October 1969. During this period,Captain Samuel flew extremely hazardous missions through adverse weather conditions and through
the constant threat of hostile ground fire and attack. In spite of this he superbly accom- plished these highly intricate and hazardous missions in support of free world forces com- batting aggression. Through his personal bravery and energetic application of his knowledge and skill he significantly furthered the goal of the United States in Southeast Asia. The pro- fessional competence, aerial skill and devotion to duty displayed by Captain Samuel reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
Page 9 The Distinguished Flying Cross News