Page 12 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
P. 12

As you know, we have had PCI contac ng mem- bers and doing an update on their contact in- forma on to include address, phone number(s), email address, etc. Would you believe, however, that even a er the PCI project we s ll have nearly 400 members that opted to provide no phone num- ber or email address?
I recognize that some you out there want to remain as anonymous as possible and limit access to per- sonal informa on. I can understand your concerns in this day and age of iden ty the , but let me reas- sure you that the DFC Society's master data base is for OFFICIAL use only and we are proac ve in pro- tec ng the informa on. And, the Society does not sell the list or distribute it to other organiza ons.
One thing we have been trying to do is improve communica ons with our members through the use of email. Take for example the latest Board of Di- rectors vote. We solicited a vote via a BLAST (mul ple addressees) email to the membership.
The cost to do so was minimal especially when com- pared to the cost of a mailing to over 2,900 mem- bers - postage and return postage alone is nearly $2,400 not coun ng the prin ng of ballots, adminis- tra ve costs (envelope stu ng, etc), etc. This is money well spent on other  scal needs, e.g. scholar- ship programs, opera ons costs, etc.
How does all this e ect the Chapters? Chapters are where the rubber meets the road! There is no need for a Board of Directors without membership and it
is at the Chapter level that members gather, com- miserate, celebrate, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow aviators! Therefore, keeping your contact informa on up to date allows us to keep you in- formed of new ini a ves, status of ongoing pro- jects, member only items in the store, Chapter news, and upcoming events - in this case the 2016 Conven on being held in Dallas, September 25 -29!
Keep us posted so we can keep you posted! Fly Safe!!
Ineed help with the “DFCS News” publica on. If you have experience in wri ng ar cles, please e-mail your ideas and sugges ons. Please submit all ar cles via email in MSWord or similar format. If you cannot use a computer or word- processing program . . . ask a family member to help you.
Please volunteer, even if you do not have experi- ence, but would like to see your DFC story in print, send me your 500 - 1500 word ar cle that you feel our members would enjoy.
Michael O’Neil, Editor
Chapter News by Terry Sullivan
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