Page 17 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
P. 17
Volume 15, Issue 3 - Winter
San Diego Lindbergh Chapter Veterans Day Parade
Another Veterans Day Celebration by
San Diego Lindbergh Chapter Chuck Sweeney
The members of the San Diego Lindbergh Chapter did their part to give the large crowds watching the San Diego Veterans Day Parade a reason to cheer. This year the Lindbergh con ngent (total of 33) consist- ed of members, family, friends and AFROTC Cadets. Some people walked, some rode on the Old Town Trol- ley who again graciously donated their services, and some rode in four beau ful vehicles. The four vehicles are owned and were driven by members Dennis Scho- ville, Larry Yarham, Michael O’Neil and Ruben Or z. Once again riding in the back of the Schoville Cadillac was Diz Laird (WWII Navy Ace) who was accompanied by Harry Kaplan, a WWII CBI radio operator. The theme of this year’s parade was “70th Anniversary of World War II Victory & Peace” so these two and other WWII veterans received the greatest applause.
Also ng perfectly with that theme was Tori Mowery, who rode her bike and emulated “Rosie the Riveter” from WWII. She a racted a en on as she rode in front of the Old Town Trolley. She was preceded by the walk- ers and the banner carried by the cadets from AFROTC Detachment 075.
The weather was perfect for the parade, and the crowd responded with cheers, applause and salutes as the en- re DFCS group passed by, especially when they would see the banner.
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