Page 20 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
P. 20

Inland Empire Chapter, Riverside CA
Mel McMullen, President of the DFCS Inland Empire Chapter in Riverside, California, reports gaining two new members during the year bringing our DFC members to twenty, and a endance at the monthly luncheon mee ngs averages 18-25 persons.
At the Inland Empire Chapter luncheon mee ng in Novem- ber, Colonel Monsita Faley, Commander, 452nd Aeromedical Evacua on Squadron. March RAFB, presented a video and gave a most entertaining talk on the Air Force Reserve Corps Aeromedical Evacua on History and Current Capabili es.
Jackie Kahler, Chapter Chaplain, arranged a fascina ng program in June on Birds of Prey with a live demonstra on of a variety of birds.
 The Inland Empire Chapter Board of Directors voted to contribute $1,000.00 to the DFC Na onal Scholarship Fund.
 Vice President Bill Baltazar is making good progress on his Chapter DFC Collec ons project containing the DFC histo- ries of our members & hopes to complete it by February.
 The Inland Empire Chapter meets at noon on the third Thursday of the month at Alta Vita (former Air Force Vil- lage West, Riverside, CA. Come join us!
Photo cap on: LtoR: DFCS Inland Empire Chapter November
Nov. 2015 mee ng: L to R Director Jim Davidson, Treasurer Lew Lyons, Col. Charlene Merrill, Secretary Jennifer McMul- len, President Mel McMullen, Col. Monsita Faley, Director Warren Eastman
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