Page 7 - DFCS News Magazine Winter 2015
P. 7
Volume 15, Issue 3 - Winter
“...for heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial flight.”
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Lt. Gary L. Holmes for hero- ism and extraordinary achievement
while par cipa ng in aerial ight as the Pilot of jet aircra while a ached to A ack Squadron One Hundred Fi y Five, embarked in USS Coral Sea (CVA 43). On 24 October 1967, Lieutenant Holmes was the leader of a sec on of A4E air- cra on a coordinated Carrier Air Wing Fi een strike against a major lucra ve target complex of 35 to 40 railroad cars on sidings and track areas east of the city of Hai Duong, North Vi- etnam. During the a ack, Lieutenant Holmes skillfully maneuvered his element to the bomb- ing posi on, but shi ed his aim point when he discovered several par ally hidden and camou- aged railroad cars on an adjacent track. Calmly assessing the situa on while heavy ak and missiles threatened his element, he adjust- ed his bombing run and delivered a devas- ta ngly accurate a ack on the new target, con- tribu ng signi cantly to the overall e ec ve- ness of the mission. Lieutenant Holmes’ out- standing airmanship, extreme exibility and alertness
were in keeping with the highest tra- di ons of the United States Naval Service.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Spe- cialist Five Steven B. Hook for heroism
while par cipa ng in aerial ight evidenced by voluntary ac ons above and beyond the call of duty in the Republic of Vietnam. Specialist Five Hook dis nguished himself by excep onally
valorous ac ons on the night of 27 November 1967, as the Medic of an ambulance helicopter on a medi- cal evacua on mission near Tam Ky. He volunteered to rescue a seriously wounded soldier from a posi- on surrounded by enemy forces. Extremely poor weather condi ons prevailed throughout the ight, and he showed the highest order of air discipline and courage, as he helped guide the Pilot through the clouds and away from enemy re being received in the con ned landing zone. Once in the landing zone, he departed the aircra . Completely exposed to en- emy re, he carried the casualty to the helicopter. As soon as the pa ent was safely aboard, Specialist Hook applied professional rst aid to him. Specialist Five Hook’s outstanding courage and devo on to duty were in keep-
ing with the highest tradi ons of the mil- itary service and re- ect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
Lieutenant Richard Gibian is awarded the Dis nguished Flying Cross for extraordi- nary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial ight in the European Theater of Opera ons. On 25 December 1944 an intense barrage of
enemy re met Lieutenant Gibian and his squadron when they approached the air eld at Bonn, Germany. Lieutenant Gibian, undaunted by the terri c assault, calmly circled the objec ve in order to select the most desirable targets. Spo ng four enemy aircra parked in a dispersal area, Lieutenant Gibian courageously led his squadron in at very low al tude and destroyed the four airplanes. Enemy re con nued at a great intensi- ty, but Lieutenant Gibian con nued his skillful a acks and bombed again and again un l a hangar and an im- portant fuel dump were also destroyed. His tac cal ability and courage in the face of danger are of the greatest credit to Lieutenant Gibian and are in keeping with the highest tradi ons of the Army Air Forces.
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