Page 14 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2013
P. 14
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Technical Ser- geant William A. O’Brien for heroism while participating in aerial flight as MC-130H Personnel Recovery Parares- cueman/Casualty Evacuation Coordinator, attached to the 7th Special Operations Squadron, Joint Special Operations Air Detachment North Constanta, Romania on 22 March 2003. On that date, he departed a forward operating base in Jordan to commence the first fixed wing mission of the northern offensive as part of the high risk, strategically vital mission to insert the first United States Special Forces troops into northern Iraq. With no indigenous or coalition search and recovery air-
frames available, Sergeant O’Brien, assigned to chalk four of the six-ship infiltration armada, served as the sole Personnel Recovery op- tion, enabling infiltration of Special Operations combat troops into Iraq during the initial push of Operation Iraqi Freedom. The infiltrated troops were critical in keeping sixty five percent of Iraqi forces occupied in the north, easing the coalition’s southern advance. His historic flight began with 590 miles of grueling low-level flight, the longest low-level combat infiltration in any airframe since World War II. He flew as low as one hundred feet through unreported, entranced enemy camps and defensive positions, facing a harrowing barrageof anti- aircraft artillery. All thirty anti-aircraft sites fired deadly projectiles over, under, and down the sides of the aircraft. At one point, the air- craft took aimed, directed fire from ten o-clock, then seven to nine o’clock and
finally from all quadrants simultaneously. The aircraft was struck by two pro-
jectiles, sustaining minor damage. Throughout the six distinct engagements,
Sergeant O’Brien monitored the medical status of aircrew and passengers,
maintaining calm onboard the aircraft and ensuring physical and mental read-
iness of aircrew members and infiltration troops until landing. On the ground,
he assisted expeditious offload of combat troops and equipment in the dark of
night. Sergeant O’Brien then contacted the Landing Zone controller and
ground element personnel assessing the need for medical evacuation of in-
jured personnel at the Landing Zone. The outstanding heroism and selfless
devotion to duty displayed by Sergeant O’Brien reflect great credit upon him-
self and the United States Air Force.
We are pleased to announce the formation of a new DFCS chapter serving the Idaho Regional area. The new chapter will be known as the Warhawk Air Museum Chapter and is located at the Nampa, Idaho airport. Our initial formation meeting was held at the Warhawk Air Museum on September 3rd, 2013 in con- junction with their regular monthly Kilroy Coffee Klatch veterans gathering. We are very pleased to have the Warhawk Air Museum as our host and partner. Our members look forward to working closely with the museum, as volunteers and instructors, in their community educational programs. Our founding officers are Glenn Scott, President, Gary Cox, VP, and Jim Scherer Jr., Sec/Treas. We are actively seeking new members within the greater Idaho area. Pictured are some of our founding members in front of one of the museum’s namesake, a restored and flyable P-40 Warhawk.
Glenn D. Scott, LtCol USAF Ret. Warhawk Air Museum Chapter DFC Society
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Harold J. Kamps for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as Navigator of a Patrol Plane in Photographic Squadron One during opera-
tions against enemy Japan forces in the South Pacific War Area from August 13 to September 9, 1943. Completing his twentieth mission during this period, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, (then Chief Aviation Pilot0 Kamps participated in photographic and recon- naissance deep in enemy territory and contributed materially to the successful photographic coverage of each target. His cour- age and devotion to duty in the face of enemy aerial oppositions and anti-aircraft fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presenting the Distinguished Flying Cross to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, Harold J. Kamps for heroism and extraordinary achievement while participating in aerial flight as Navigator of a Patrol Plane in Photographic Squadron One during operations against enemy Japanese forces in the South Pacific War Area from December 1, 1943 to January 31, 1944. Completing his fortieth mission during this period, Lieutenant, Junior Grade, (then Chief Aviation Pilot) Kamps participated in vital photo- graphic and reconnaissance missions and contributed materially to the successful
photographic cover- age of areas as- signed. His courage and devotion to duty in the face of enemy aerial opposi- tion and anti-aircraft fire were in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.
Summer 2013 Issue Page 14