Page 8 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2013
P. 8

As I sit down to write this article vital role, the hardships and sacrifices, and the remarkable contri-
for the News Magazine, I am really excited for the Distinguished Flying Cross Society. Your Board of Directors has been hard at work on several projects. First, as you will see elsewhere, you voted on where our next convention will be and selected Tampa, FL. We just signed a contract with the Sheraton Sand Key Resort in Clearwater Beach. This is an excel- lent hotel and will help insure we
have a great convention. Of course, what makes a good conven- tion are the members and families who come, so put the dates Sept 21-25, 2014 on your calendar. More information will come out as the planning develops. By the way, we are using Reunion Brat again for this convention to relieve us of a lot of the burden of planning and executing a convention.
What I am most excited about is that we have negotiated a con- tract with a production company called 45 North Productions Inc. Once we sign the contract and obtain funding from one or more corporate sponsors, 45 North will produce a one (1) hour docu- mentary on the DFC. As stated in the marketing brochure, the documentary titled “The Distinguished Flying Cross” is a one-hour Television Documentary Special with a companion 90 minute Home Library DVD, High School Curriculum DVD and Digital Re- lease Version designed to explore and pay tribute to the heroic service, sacrifices, and commitment made by the men and women who have received our nation’s highest honor for aerial perfor- mance, the Distinguished Flying Cross. The program will be de- signed to inspire and educate Americans of all life stages as to the
butions made by military pilots and aircrew since the early 20th Century. Importantly, as a special tribute documentary to be broadcast through national television release and made available throughout all military services and branches, this program will serve to inspire, recognize, and reaffirm to all military family mem- bers, children and adults, the vital role they play in a timeless lega- cy of honor and commitment to America and the values and ideals we stand for as a nation.
45 North has produced a number of other excellent and widely distributed documentaries, as part of their American Patriot series including “The Medal”, “They Serve in Silent Vigil”, “A Nation Re- members” and “Arlington”. You can learn more about 45 North at
Assuming we can obtain the necessary sponsorship funding on time, the goal is to complete the documentary next spring and have the initial airing on Memorial Day. We will keep you informed about the progress on this exciting project.
Last, but certainly not least, we are in discussions with the Medal of Honor Foundation and the Jimmy Doolittle Foundation to create the relationship needed to enable The Distinguished Flying Cross Society (the “DFC Society) to support and participate in the Charac- ter Development Program (CDP) created by the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation in cooperation with the Jimmy Doolit- tle Foundation. The CDP incorporates the ideals of courage and selfless service into middle and high school curricula to build char- acter and promote responsible citizenship.
Stay tuned, these are busy and exciting times for the DFCS.
Bill Bradfield, Chairman, DFC Society
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Summer 2013 Issue Page 8

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