Page 3 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2014
P. 3

Who says persistence doesn’t pay off?! Early this year, the Society was con- tacted by Mr. Jerry LeFrois who had found some evidence that his uncle, SSgt David J. Wolfe, had received the Dis nguished Flying Cross during his ser- vice in World War II as a B-17 waist gunner. Unfortunately the documenta on that Mr. LeFrois first presented was not defini ve enough to warrant membership. Not to be deterred, Mr. LeFrois then contacted the Na onal Personnel Records
Center and was informed of the 1973 fire that destroyed 16 – 18 million official military person- nel files! Fearing the worst, Mr. LeFrois asked the Center to see what they could find and a er a thorough search, a par ally burned set of orders was found that not only confirmed SSgt Wolfe’s Dis nguished Flying Cross, it also showed that he had been awarded the Air Medal with three oak leaf clusters and had complet-
ed 26 missions in the B-17! Although SSgt Wolfe has since taken his last flight westbound, his name will be added to the Honor Roll of those aviators that have been awarded the Dis nguished Flying Cross. We appreciate the stead- fast commitment of Mr. Jerry LeFrois for wan ng to recognize the service of his uncle, SSgt David J. Wolfe.

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