Page 7 - DFCS News Magazine Summer 2014
P. 7

The President of the United States takes great pleas- ure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Airman First Class Leonard S. Johnson, Jr., for extraordi- nary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial flight as an AC-130 gunship Aerial Gunner and Weapons Technician over Southeast Asia, on 15 May 1969. On that date, while
working in total darkness in the rear of the aircra , Airman Johnson cleared gun malfunc ons and performed other du es necessary to maintain the effec veness of the gunship’s weapons systems. His out- standing performance contributed directly to the success of this mis- sion and resulted in the destruc on of 12 vehicles, the damaging of 4 others, the crea on of 13 secondary explosions, and the igni on of 11 sustained fires. The
professional compe- tence, aerial skill, and devo on to duty dis- played by Airman Johnson reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to First Lieutenant Thomas P. Faulkner for extraor- dinary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial flight against the enemy in the Mediterranean Theater of Opera ons. Throughout many long and hazardous com-
bat missions against vital strategic targets deep in enemy-occupied territory, though confronted by heavy enemy opposi on from highly aggressive fighters and intense and accurate an -aircra  fire, the personnel listed below have consistently displayed outstanding cour- age, aggressiveness and intense devo on to duty throughout all en- gagements. With their aircra  frequently severely damaged by heavy enemy fire, these men have courageously remained at their sta ons, ba ling their way through to their targets to aid materially in the u er destruc on of vitally important enemy installa ons and sup- plies. Heedless of severe and adverse weather condi ons encoun- tered over rugged mountainous terrain and surmoun ng many other major obstacles that faced them during these hazardous missions, these men have gallantly engaged, fought and defeated the enemy with complete disregard for their personal safety and against over- whelming odds. The conspicuous and extraordinary achievements throughout these many
missions against the enemy have been of ines mable value to successful combat opera-  ons and have reflected great credit upon them- selves and the Armed Forces of the United States of America.
The DFC News Magazine is the official publication of The DFC Society, a 501- C (19) non-profit corp., published three times a year . Send articles to Editor via email:
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis n- guished Flying Cross to First Lieutenant Ross C. Detwiler for extraordinary achieve- ment while par cipa ng in aerial flight as an F-100 Pilot in Southeast Asia on 3 September 1968. On that date, Lieutenant Detwiler was able to deliver ordnance against a network of hos le bunkers with pinpoint accuracy. Lieutenant Detwiler significantly disrupted hos le ac vity and enabled the ground forces to complete their opera ons. The profes-
sional competence, aerial skill, and devo on to duty displayed by Lieutenant Detwiler reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying
Cross to First Lieutenant Ross C. Detwiler for heroism while par cipa ng in aerial flight as an F-100F Forward Air Controller over North Vietnam on 21 September 1968. On that date, Lieutenant Detwiler located a heavily defended and camouflaged surface-to-air missile and a separate supply and staging area. Ignoring intense ground fire, he repeatedly exposed himself during marking passes and fein ng a acks by using his own aircra  as a decoy to draw away from the less maneuverable ordnance-laden fighters and insure the destruc on of the surface-to- air missile. A er refueling, he proceeded to the second target complex and made numerous iden fica on and plo ng passes which were in- strumental in the success of later strikes against this area. The outstanding heroism and selfless devo on to duty displayed by Lieutenant Detwiler reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
The President of the United States takes great pleasure in presen ng the Dis nguished Flying Cross to Captain Ross C. Detwiler for extraor- dinary achievement while par cipa ng in aerial flight as an F-4D Aircra  Commander over hos le territory on 30 December 1972. On that date, Captain Detwiler led a flight of two F-4 air superiority fighters on a night combat
air patrol mission in support of B-52 bombers striking in the immediate vicinity of Hanoi,
North Vietnam. Despite an -aircra  ar llery fire and surface-to-air missile launches, Captain Detwiler, while proceeding to the target area, engaged an enemy interceptor aircra  a acking the friendly B-52 force and successfully diverted him from the area. Captain Detwiler’s ac ons allowed the highly vulnerable B-52 force to accomplish their assigned mission while experiencing no aircra  losses. The professional competence, aerial skill, and devo on to duty displayed by Captain Detwiler reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.
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