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It is a misconception that stretch ceiling is a new-age trend because the skill of covering ceiling with cloths or other materials has been practiced since hundreds of years. It was originally conceived by the ancient Egyptians during 2000-1000 BC. In that era, stretch ceilings were invented to get even surfaces of the ceilings using damp cloth that was stretched between the walls. Once the cloth dried, it became stiff and thus, the Egyptians got what they required, a somewhat even surface which was otherwise hard to accomplish.
Then between 1000 BC and 300 AD, the Romans and Greeks adopted this fashion but improved it considerably by using linen and silk cloth in place of damp cloth. When the cloth got dirty and sagged they replaced it with a fresh one. Historical accounts reveal that the ancient amphitheaters like the legendary Coliseum used to be covered with cloth for protecting the audience from sunlight.
Then the tradition travelled to ancient Armenia in the 18th century where cotton cloth was soaked in chalk solution and then it was stretched onto the building. When the cloth dried it shrank and created the required smooth surface on the ceiling.
After that era, stretch ceilings went out of fashion for some time. The art received reinvention after the 1960s. The skill was revived after the French invented PVC material and specialists from Sweden developed the current format of stretch ceilings. The trend travelled quickly from continent
to continent during the last 40 years and currently it has transformed into a highly sought-after and creatively rich craft.
Today, stretch ceilings have received tremendous tweaking and innovation and a variety of materials and
technologies are used to give distinct look to the ceilings and walls.

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