Page 21 - Experience Based Co-design - a toolkit for Australia
P. 21

 Align projects with broader/wider projects or strategic directions of healthcare services Embed the approach within policy, procedure or other system changes
Embed the approach in existing training and development opportunities that are already funded for patients and healthcare professionals
Seek funding opportunities to secure time of clinical staff to contribute to quality projects around patient stories/patient voices
Dedicate adequate resources for funding of interventions
Increase staff and leadership engagement in the masterclass training for increased buy- in and understanding of the value of patient voices
The first step in any EBCD project involves planning the project and considering how you will address the factors that will contribute to maximise the benefit you achieve from your project and its longer-term sustainability. The following are a list of items and resources for you to consider in setting up for success.
Engagement is critical to the success of any EBCD project. This requires engagement from all stakeholders including patients, staff and others that will be impacted by the project. The New Zealand health service co-design website has made engagement the first step in the EBCD pathway. It’s a critical part of setting up for success. It is recommended relationships with patients are established before beginning your improvement work. This will help establish patients see a need for change, their interest in being involved and the best mechanism to involved them. They identified tools including start-up workshops, communication websites and visual communication which are discussed further below.
There is no single one way to perform EBCD. As discussed in previous chapter it is fundamental about a way of thinking and applying principles. The key elements of the methodology are:
1. A user-centred orientation - ‘experience based’ 2. A collaborative change process - ‘co-design’
Health Service Co-Design in New Zealand have
  Deciding on your EBCD approach

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