Page 35 - Experience Based Co-design - a toolkit for Australia
P. 35

A vision is a written statement about what your health service aspires to achieve. It includes both what your service will deliver to patients (the service promise) and what patients can expect as a result (patient outcomes).
Improvement work can sometimes resolve system issues without improving patient experiences. Even when considered, patient experiences may still be overshadowed by other elements. Having a vision helps keep the patient in focus.
Use this tool in the early stages of your co-design work. It is particularly useful when developing a new service but can be used in other contexts too. This tools is not about creating the solution but the vision and expectations of what it might deliver.
1. Use the four-box template to help you develop your vision
This section will require information about data about experiences that has been
2. Develop a draft service promise and patient outcome statement to communicate your project vision
This will help people understand why the improvement work is being done.
3. Finalise your service promise and patient outcome statement
Use these as a reference point for all your improvement ideas and developments.
Does the improvement contribute to the promise and its outcomes?
The service promise commits the service to providing a specific experience for patients. It begins with the words ‘we will...’ and says what the service will do.
The patient outcomes statement commits you to providing specific outcomes for patients.
Make the vision as tangible, practical and patient-oriented as possible.
Don’t use medical or system jargon in your promise or outcome statements. Instead use simple words and phrases a patient can understand.
Try not to debate words and semantics. Remember, this is a draft and as you learn through the project, these statements should evolve.
Always use patients as your reference-point. If patients are not involved in developing the vision, make sure you run it past them afterwards and reword if necessary.
You can include your completed four-box template as a reference diagram in your planning documentation.
     Adapted with permission from

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