Page 84 - Experience Based Co-design - a toolkit for Australia
P. 84

Ideas groups come together to brainstorm improvement ideas and ways of resourcing and implementing them.
Using ideas groups will help you to brainstorm issues and related ideas for improvements. It is an easy, fast, fun way of scoping potential improvements and innovations.
Use this tool when you need to scope initial solutions to a problem or opportunity.
Note: You will need to organise a whiteboard, sheets of paper and/or Post-it pads to record people’s ideas.
Always emphasise the need to write down all ideas!
1. Identify the key problems and any benefits for patients if they are resolved
Write a sentence describing each problem with the benefits of resolving it (the outcomes) in plain, simple language. (Avoid any descriptions that suggest a solution, as this will block further ideas.)
“reducing miscommunication between patient and staff would save time, prevent errors, and help patients feel more in control of their situation”
Make a list of the problems to focus the session.
2. Identify who needs to be in the session
Make sure you include anyone who is an active stakeholder in addressing the problems and opportunities.
Set up the session and invite attendees.
Consider appointing an independent facilitator.
Before you hold the session, circulate a list of problems, inviting people to think of others and contribute them during the session.
3. Begin the session
Briefly review the initial problems list and check all attendees have a clear understanding of the challenge each problem poses.
Brainstorm any additional problems if these arise.
Ask attendees to reflect on the list and note any patterns and themes they find. Discuss these and review the list, grouping any that seem similar. Finalise the list.
             Adapted with permission from

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