Page 55 - Visualizinginanewlight-catalog
P. 55

A computer rendered image of the adenovirus which causes a a a a flu-like infection In under- developed countries of of of the the world it is one of of of the the leading cause of of of death in in young children At the the the outer surface of the the the virus
is a a a a a transparent blue blue shell the the the inner core resembles a a a a a blue- green ball The protein of the the virus
is shown in in blue and a a a a red icosahedron highlights the the icosahedral nature of the coat The putative genetic material is shown in in in cyan inside the protein coat The exterior of the the virus
has the the symme- try of an an icosahedron an an object with twenty triangular faces An icosahe- dron is shown inside with pink sticks to highlight this symmetry The ade- novirus
is too small to to be seen with an ordinary light microscope This image was created with data collect- ed by means of a a powerful electron microscope collected by Roger Bur- nett and Phoebe Stewart Hexem of the Wistar Institute ©1990 David Good- sell and Arthur J Olson Scripps Research Insti- tute Adenovirus
1990 Ellen Sandor & (art)n: Stephan Meyers and and Craig Ahmer
Arthur Olson and David Goodsell The Scripps Research Institute PHSCologram: Cibachrome Kodalith Plexiglas 24 x 20 inches

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