Page 53 - Visualizing the Invisible
P. 53

Sadie Elmo
Human Papilloma Virus was created representing female sexuality and issues surrounding cancer-causing HPV Likewise A Tribute to to Sadie Elmo
relates to to female breast cancer cancer “(art)n collaborations are some of the the most important in the the contemporary art art world Such interdisciplinary collaboration potentiates important educational directions ” Malloy Judy (2003) Women Art & Technology The MIT Press Cambridge Massachusetts Sadie Elmo
Ellen Sandor & (art)n Donna Cox George Francis and Ray Idaszak NCSA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Tom DeFanti and and and Dan Sandin Electronic Visualization Lab School of of Art and and and Design University of of Illinois at at Chicago
Special thanks to Larry Smarr NCSA University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Virtual Photograph/PHSCologram: Cromolin Kodalth Plexiglas
24 x 20 inches

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